Disappearing Drawing Views

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by George Maddever, May 10, 2005.

  1. Anyone experience with SWX2005 (SP1.1 or above) that sometimes drawing views
    on a sheet just vanish? Like centrelines and annotations are left there but
    it's like all edges are hidden and you can't get them back?

    It's happening heaps on this machine and I can't get them back without
    deleting the view and re-adding it (along with all associated
    annotations.... HELP!
    George Maddever, May 10, 2005
  2. George Maddever

    John Layne Guest

    I was having this problem up until SP3.0


    1/ Toggling view to draft quality / high quality.
    2/ Hitting CTR Q a few times.
    3/ Options / Document properties / Image quality set to max.
    4/ If you have differing configs in separate views, insure model is open.
    5/ Stick pins in SolidWorks voodoo doll.

    All the above "fixes" were inconsistent

    John Layne
    Solid Engineering Ltd

    SWX 2005 SP3.0
    Athlon 3200+
    1.5 GB RAM
    Nvidia Quadro FX 500 Latest drivers
    John Layne, May 10, 2005
  3. George Maddever

    abc Guest

    I've had this problem starting in 2005 sp2 & sp 3. Most the time I can get
    it back by turning the views shaded and then back to wireframe.

    I find these kind of bugs rather disturbing from a quality standpoint.
    Think it's kind a crazy they let something this bad into the publics hands
    without fixing it.
    abc, May 10, 2005
  4. I've tried some of these, also, primarily #1

    Also, it seems to me it happens only when I hit the "Save" button. But,
    if I hit the "Rebuild" button first, I don't have the views disappear....

    Steve R.
    Steve Rauenbuehler, May 10, 2005
  5. I'm actually having this very problem right now. I have a detail view
    of an assembly that has nothing displayed in it. Totally empty. In the
    properties there is nothing indicated in Hide/Show components, the
    feature tree looks right too. I've tried the tricks mentioned above and
    nothing. I've moved it from sheet to sheet, rebuilt, closed and
    reopened and even deleted and redone the detail and nothing. What's
    weird is that if under "Style" I select "Connected" the line doesn't
    connect to the circle on the drawing view but shoots off into emptiness
    off the drawing sheet.

    Any more suggestions on how to deal with this?

    rockstarwallyMYAPPENDIX, May 10, 2005
  6. George Maddever

    badgerboy Guest

    We have seen that erratic behavior before. I'd suggest you save the
    file, exit and reboot. That seems to clear things up.

    (SW2005, SP1.1)

    badgerboy, May 10, 2005
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