Disapearing model!

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by JAG, Apr 23, 2004.

  1. JAG

    JAG Guest


    I've had a few instances in 2k4 where the model and showing planes disappear
    though invisible walls and back again when the model is rotated, it is not
    repeatable and seems to come and go without any apparent logic, anyone else
    seen this? I had something similar with SW2k1


    JAG, Apr 23, 2004
  2. Do you maybe have large assy mode turned on for those instances?

    Other thought is video card and/or driver. What are you running there?

    Wayne Tiffany, Apr 23, 2004
  3. JAG

    JAG Guest

    ....I'm running a Elsa Gloria a 64meg card now supported by NVIDIA, now you
    mention it I think I my driver is not the one recommended by SW.

    No, large assembly is not on, it was a single part! with only a few lofts?


    JAG, Apr 23, 2004
  4. JAG

    MM Guest


    It's just a temporary clipping plane generated by OpenGL. It does this with
    all graphics cards. I've even seen it on old SGI UNIX machines with Pro-E
    and Ideas.

    If you toggle perspective on and off it usually goes away


    MM, Apr 23, 2004
  5. I have seen this in 2k3 I never could pinpoint why, we do have recommended
    drivers. It was very rare though.

    Corey Scheich, Apr 23, 2004
  6. I have a part (with lofts), shelled, and the inside of it is 'invisible'. It
    has been created with 97+, and translated to every version up to 2001+ with
    the same effect. Not tried with 2004 yet.
    Jean Marc BRUN, Apr 28, 2004
  7. JAG

    S. Chabineau Guest

    Mark -
    I have had this problem for several years, on and off, and have never
    been able to corect it. I will try the perspective on/off and see what
    happens next time. However, I am not using the software OpenGL. I'll
    try it anyways.

    S. Chabineau, Apr 28, 2004
  8. JAG

    Pmwh Guest

    I emailed my VAR about some weird disappearing acts that might be
    glitches in SWX 2003. He said that the BlueBeam PDF addin was know to
    cause such problems until SWX 2K4 SP2. I was reporting suppresses
    components in assmeblies though.
    Pmwh, Apr 29, 2004
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