Disabling / Scripting around "drawing was last saved by an earlier version" dialog box

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Chris Shoemaker, Apr 8, 2005.

  1. This dialog box will appear when opening a file saved in an older version of
    building systems in ABS 2005. Has any one found a way to work around this
    dialog box, either programaticly or by disabling it entirely? Although
    ScriptPro has provisions to work around it, any sort of vba script (or i
    asume lisp) that opens older files will stall. Or perhaps, is there some way
    to detect the appearence of this box and automaticly send a "yes"?

    I've tried disabling AEC warnings, setting filedia to 0, nothing seems to
    effect it. Any ideas?


    The exact dialog:

    "This drawing was last saved by an earlier version of this application.
    Saving the drawing will upgrade it to the current version. See the ReadMe
    for details .... This drawing likely needs to have it's object's
    relationships updated. This could be a lengthy process but is recommended to
    maintain complete functionality. See the readme for details on drawing
    versions and regenerating object relationships .... Regenerate this drawing
    Chris Shoemaker, Apr 8, 2005
  2. What is your end goal? If its something like printing, open the files with
    vanilla AutoCAD - making sure to set the proxy graphics variables first.

    -- Mike
    Mike Tuersley
    the trick is to realize that there is no spoon...
    Mike Tuersley, Apr 8, 2005
  3. Well it's part of a batch processor that can run various routines..some of
    which in the future may require ADT/ABS functionality, Though for now it's
    an interesting idea.

    Question though, if you fire up autocad using that profile without all the
    AEC stuff loaded, and then save using that profile, When you open it back in
    full-blown ADT/ABS will all the AEC stuff still work? Thanks Mike.

    Chris Shoemaker, Apr 8, 2005
  4. Not sure - I'd definitely test it. For printing, no saving is required -
    open read only, print, go to next

    -- Mike
    Mike Tuersley
    the trick is to realize that there is no spoon...
    Mike Tuersley, Apr 8, 2005
  5. Actually, thinking about it a bit, updating the object relationships so that
    dialog box doesn't come up anymore is probably one of the things the batch
    processor would be trying to accomplish, so simply bypassing it isn't going
    to solve that. Thanks though.

    Chris Shoemaker, Apr 8, 2005
  6. Chris Shoemaker

    Matt W Guest

    Chris: You're still getting this error message??
    I replied to one of your previous posts (Jan 6, '05) in the ABS group about this.

    Here's what Chris Yanchar had to say about this back on August 2, 2004 when I originally posted the same question on the ADT NG.

    "As the dialog and ReadMe indicate, this update process needs to occur to
    properly promote the previous version drawing to the current version. I
    checked with the someone on the ABS team and was told the following:
    "We do check to see if we are running from a script, and if so it should
    just send a message to the command line instead of popping up a dialog."

    So it sounds like you can migrate your old drawings through a script to
    avoid this message."

    When I first started getting this message, I was *extremely* frustrated with it.
    What I ended up doing was generating a script that simply opened, saved, closed 1000's of drawings.

    Then I could run my VBA batch plotting program and all was well.
    Matt W, Apr 8, 2005
  7. Matt,

    The issue is that running a batch script to open and resave every single company drawing is far less preferable to being able to just handle the dialog in a routine. Also, if the drawings are recieved from another party, then running some sort of batch routine becomes a two step process, first using script pro to save and regen everything, and then actually running the routine.

    Chris: You're still getting this error message??
    I replied to one of your previous posts (Jan 6, '05) in the ABS group about this.

    Here's what Chris Yanchar had to say about this back on August 2, 2004 when I originally posted the same question on the ADT NG.

    "As the dialog and ReadMe indicate, this update process needs to occur to
    properly promote the previous version drawing to the current version. I
    checked with the someone on the ABS team and was told the following:
    "We do check to see if we are running from a script, and if so it should
    just send a message to the command line instead of popping up a dialog."

    So it sounds like you can migrate your old drawings through a script to
    avoid this message."

    When I first started getting this message, I was *extremely* frustrated with it.
    What I ended up doing was generating a script that simply opened, saved, closed 1000's of drawings.

    Then I could run my VBA batch plotting program and all was well.
    Chris Shoemaker, Apr 8, 2005
  8. Chris Shoemaker

    Matt W Guest

    I know it sucks, but that's your only option unless Chris is holding out on

    I support two teams: The Red Sox and whoever beats the Yankees.


    The issue is that running a batch script to open and resave every single
    company drawing is far less preferable to being able to just handle the
    dialog in a routine. Also, if the drawings are recieved from another party,
    then running some sort of batch routine becomes a two step process, first
    using script pro to save and regen everything, and then actually running the

    Chris: You're still getting this error message??
    I replied to one of your previous posts (Jan 6, '05) in the ABS group
    about this.

    Here's what Chris Yanchar had to say about this back on August 2, 2004
    when I originally posted the same question on the ADT NG.

    "As the dialog and ReadMe indicate, this update process needs to occur to
    properly promote the previous version drawing to the current version. I
    checked with the someone on the ABS team and was told the following:
    "We do check to see if we are running from a script, and if so it should
    just send a message to the command line instead of popping up a dialog."

    So it sounds like you can migrate your old drawings through a script to
    avoid this message."

    When I first started getting this message, I was *extremely* frustrated
    with it.
    What I ended up doing was generating a script that simply opened, saved,
    closed 1000's of drawings.

    Then I could run my VBA batch plotting program and all was well.
    Matt W, Apr 8, 2005
  9. Oh well, I guess I can dream :) Thanks.


    Chris Shoemaker, Apr 8, 2005
  10. You should be able to dismiss the dialog box with Windows API. Not sure you
    can from within AutoCAD otherwise you have to call on an external file to do
    it for you.
    Take a look at how you can make use of the below:
    Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA"
    (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As
    Any) As Long
    Call SendMessage(lngx, WM_CLOSE, 0, ByVal 0&)

    Best Regards, Jimmy Bergmark
    CAD and Database Developer Manager at www.pharmadule-emtunga.com
    Blog: http://jtbworld.blogspot.com
    JTB FlexReport (FLEXnet / FLEXlm report tool) -
    SmartPurger (Purges automatically) - www.jtbworld.com/?/smartpurger.htm
    or download some freeware at www.jtbworld.com
    More on AutoCAD 2005 and 2006
    Jimmy Bergmark, Apr 8, 2005
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