disable rebuild

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Manuel Ostertag, Dec 5, 2003.

  1. Hello!

    I wrote a pogram which modifies parts by suppressing or unsuppressing
    features. Some parts are very large (containing over 400 Features) and if i
    supress or unsuppress features, SolidWorks automatically always rebuilds the

    How can I disable that rebuild (or at least define that the rebuild is not
    made by EVERY suppression/unsupp.) so that the modification works faster?


    Manuel Ostertag, Dec 5, 2003

  2. Try Redlight from Dynabits, download and info at

    Stefan Berlitz, Dec 5, 2003
  3. And I will even tell you my secret so that you can program it in your own
    It is taken from apihelp.chm, v. 2003 (disappeared in 2004...)
    RegenNotify - PartDoc Event
    Return S_FALSE to stop from proceeding with the action that caused the
    but handle with care, and don't forget to rebuild your model in the end!
    Philippe Guglielmetti, Dec 5, 2003
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