Disable automatic tiling of subwindows in waveform windows

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by spectrallypure, Nov 5, 2005.

  1. Hi! I was wondering if there is any way to disable the automatic tiling
    of subwindows in a waveform window, when ploting the outputs of a
    simulation in the Analog Desing Environment. Moreover, is there any way
    to manually arrange the subwindows within a waveform window?. Sometimes
    the automatic tiling / arrangement does not provide the best aspect
    ratio for a curve (too little horizontal zoom and too much vertical
    zoom, or too little vertical zoom and too much horizontal zoom)! Any

    Thanks in advance for your help.-
    spectrallypure, Nov 5, 2005
  2. The newer waveform window wavescan has a menu item for doing precisely this. You
    can get tiling to be vertical, horizontal, or automatic. Unfortunately I don't
    remember which menu it's under (I'm on a plane, and don't want to reboot into
    Linux to check). If using the older AWD waveform window, there is no control -
    you have to live with the automatic tiling.


    Andrew Beckett, Nov 9, 2005
  3. Thanks so much for your help, Andrew... but what do you mean with
    "newer"? I am using the IC package 5.0.33, is this the "older" one? I
    would be really grateful if you could tell me which version includes
    this new functionality. We have just received our new Cadence
    distribution, but so far I haven't had time to install it. It is the IC
    5.1.41 version... will this one have the feature you are talking about?

    Thanks a lot,

    spectrallypure, Nov 12, 2005
  4. IC5141 contains wavescan (integrated into ADE), whereas IC5033 only has
    wavescan for standalone use (and it doesn't support all analyses then either).

    IC5141 is the "new" release (it's been out since mid-2004) that I was talking

    IC5033 is getting close to it's end-of-release date (when support for hotfixes
    etc stops) - at the end of December, by the way.


    Andrew Beckett, Nov 13, 2005
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