Dirty bit

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Wayne Tiffany, Nov 3, 2004.

  1. We just discovered that the dirty bit (not naught bit...) is not being set
    when you open a part & change a document property such as units. If you
    make the change and then close the file, it doesn't prompt you to save it
    first - it just closes & drops the changes. Works the same way in SW2004
    SP4.1 & SW2005 SP0.1. Is this the way it's supposed to be?

    Wayne Tiffany, Nov 3, 2004
  2. Wayne Tiffany

    Mr. Pickles Guest


    Beats me if it is "suppose" to be that way. I noticed it a long time ago,
    thought it strange, but didn't send it in. I figured they would just poo poo

    Mr. Pickles
    Mr. Pickles, Nov 3, 2004
  3. Wayne Tiffany

    bob zee Guest

    bob z. has never noticed this behavior before. why? 'cauze he is a
    paranoid freak! he has a robotic hand that hits CTRL-B and CTRL-S like it
    will put money in his bank account!

    bob z.
    bob zee, Nov 4, 2004
  4. Wayne Tiffany

    clay Guest

    damn!, it doesn't put money in the bank!

    clay, Nov 4, 2004
  5. I noticed the same behavior with changing properties. I created a macro for
    doing some costing. You start in a drawing with a selected view and it
    picks up all of the parts in the assembly shown. Then it reads their Custom
    Props and populates a table. Then the user can change the props from the
    drawing without opening any parts. Works sweet. But I have to save each
    part whenever a change is made that affects the custom props or it doesn't
    prompt to be saved. I had thought that the saveflag..........Oh wait you
    can programatically set the save flag Modeldoc2::SetSaveFlag. OOOh I have
    to fix this now.

    Corey Scheich, Nov 4, 2004
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