Dire need of a lisp routine - Help!!

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by mattstu, Sep 22, 2004.

  1. mattstu

    mattstu Guest

    Ladies and gentlemen,

    I have a problem, I have been given a survey that has an arbitary datum of +100.00. In fact the' true' datum is +122.56 AOD. Opposed to actyually commisioning a re-survey is there a lisp routine out there somewhere that can 'add' a given value to multiple numerical text strings (levels)? this would be a great great help if anyone has come across and solved this problem before and could give me som guidance.
    kind regards
    mattstu, Sep 22, 2004
  2. mattstu

    Jasehuss Guest

    This may help if I understand you correctly, a collegue had a similar problem.

    The routine itself was a quick and dirty and has no error checking at all and will fall over if non numerical text is selected it doesn't function with MTEXT entities.


    (defun bhl:zeros (tx / val)
    (setq val (atof tx))
    (if (>= val 0)
    (if (< (atof tx) 10)
    (setq len (strlen tx))
    (if (= len 1)
    (setq tx (strcat tx ".00"))
    (if (= len 3)
    (setq tx (strcat tx "0"))
    (if (>= (atof tx) 10)
    (setq len (strlen tx))
    (if (= len 2)
    (setq tx (strcat tx ".00"))
    (if (= len 4)
    (setq tx (strcat tx "0"))
    (if (>= (atof tx) 100)
    (setq len (strlen tx))
    (if (= len 3)
    (setq tx (strcat tx ".00"))
    (if (= len 5)
    (setq tx (strcat tx "0"))

    (if (< val 0)
    (if (> (atof tx) -10)
    (setq len (strlen tx))
    (if (= len 2)
    (setq tx (strcat tx ".00"))
    (if (= len 4)
    (setq tx (strcat tx "0"))
    (if (<= (atof tx) -10)
    (setq len (strlen tx))
    (if (= len 3)
    (setq tx (strcat tx ".00"))
    (if (= len 5)
    (setq tx (strcat tx "0"))
    (if (<= (atof tx) -100)
    (setq len (strlen tx))
    (if (= len 4)
    (setq tx (strcat tx ".00"))
    (if (= len 6)
    (setq tx (strcat tx "0"))

    (setq tx tx)
    (defun c:addtotext (/ sset val num count ent entdet txtval newval)
    (setq sset (ssget))
    (setq val (getdist "\nValue to add to text: "))
    (if (= val nil)(setq val 0))
    (setq num (sslength sset))
    (setq count 0)
    (while (< count num)
    (setq ent (ssname sset count))
    (setq count (+ count 1))
    (setq entdet (entget ent))
    (setq txtval (atof (cdr (assoc 1 entdet))))
    (setq newval (rtos (+ txtval val) 2 2))
    (setq newval (bhl:zeros newval))
    (command "_change" ent "" "" "" "" "" "" newval)
    Jasehuss, Sep 22, 2004
  3. mattstu

    Douglas Barr Guest

    Here's a quick'n'dirty one for you.

    (defun c:addit ()
    (princ "\nSelect text entities to add to:")
    (setq texts (ssget))
    (princ "\nType number to add to all selected numbers:")
    (setq adder (getreal))
    (princ "\nType precision of numbers:")
    (setq precis (getint))
    (setq n 0)
    (while (setq text1 (ssname texts n))
    (setq entity (entget text1))
    (setq oldtext (assoc 1 entity))
    (setq oldnumber (atof (cdr oldtext)))
    (setq newnumber (rtos (+ adder oldnumber) 2 precis))
    (setq newtext (cons 1 newnumber))
    (setq entity (subst newtext oldtext entity))
    (entmod entity)
    (setq n (1+ n))

    No guarantees, no bells'n'whistles. Seems to work.

    +100.00. In fact the' true' datum is +122.56 AOD. Opposed to actyually
    commisioning a re-survey is there a lisp routine out there somewhere that
    can 'add' a given value to multiple numerical text strings (levels)? this
    would be a great great help if anyone has come across and solved this
    problem before and could give me som guidance.
    Douglas Barr, Sep 22, 2004
  4. mattstu

    mattstu Guest

    It seems to run initially but there appears to be some conflict in actually modifying the text string.
    Example as follows;_

    Specify new text insertion point <no change>:
    Enter new text style <romans>:
    Specify new rotation angle <90d0'0.00">:
    Enter new text <106.89>:
    Command: 129.45 Unknown command "129.45". Press F1 for help.
    mattstu, Sep 22, 2004
  5. mattstu

    mattstu Guest

    Works like a dream Doug - Thank you kindly.
    mattstu, Sep 22, 2004
  6. You are using fixed-height text styles. Yuck.

    Take one of the double-quote pairs out of the change command,

    R. Robert Bell

    It seems to run initially but there appears to be some conflict in actually
    modifying the text string.
    Example as follows;_

    Specify new text insertion point <no change>:
    Enter new text style <romans>:
    Specify new rotation angle <90d0'0.00">:
    Enter new text <106.89>:
    Command: 129.45 Unknown command "129.45". Press F1 for help.
    R. Robert Bell, Sep 22, 2004
  7. mattstu

    Jasehuss Guest

    Thanks doug,

    you just made me learn a new thing, I noted you only had the rtos to format your precision.

    I tried this first and 90.00 returned 90

    I have now searched this group and found that problem due to DIMZIN, If i'd looked here about a year ago, for that I probably could have saved me some coding to format my zeros!

    It's true, you learn something new every day.
    Jasehuss, Sep 22, 2004
  8. mattstu

    Douglas Barr Guest

    Simple is best sometimes! Glad it worked for you.
    Douglas Barr, Sep 22, 2004
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