Diode parameters

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by sykab, Jul 16, 2008.

  1. sykab

    sykab Guest


    I need to use a diode in a circuit.
    The problem is that I have no idea what to put in its parameters.
    I need to define the device area and its perimeter.
    Can anyone help me please?
    sykab, Jul 16, 2008
  2. sykab

    camelot Guest

    I think you have to check the Design Rule Manual tied to the
    technology in order get more information on the device.


    camelot, Jul 17, 2008
  3. sykab

    Riad KACED Guest

    Dear Sykab,

    The size (area-perimeter) of your diode is mainly dependent on your
    application. Diodes could be used as Antennas to protect the Gates of
    MOS transistors (and other Thin oxide devices) from charging during
    the processing of the wafer. Diodes could be used as clamps to protect
    internal supplies from large power supply variations and ESD. Diodes
    could be used as Power converters in voltage regulators/
    converters ...etc. In case of antenna, a minimal diode is usually
    sufficient. The rule is set by your Antenna requirements. For clamping
    diodes, the size is determined by the amount of Voltage/Current your
    ESD protection is designed for. And so on ...

    So in addition to your Design Rule Manual (DRM) constraint, please
    think about what the diode you're making is designed for.

    Hope it helps,

    Riad KACED, Jul 17, 2008
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