Dimensions with VIF

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by C. Perez, Jul 26, 2004.

  1. C. Perez

    C. Perez Guest

    I want to create a macro or lisp routine or command button that will add
    "VIF" to certain dimensions. Also, I would like to be able to turn on
    alternate dimensions on any dimension over a certain size. Has anyone
    ever come across something like this or similar?

    Thanks in advance.
    C. Perez, Jul 26, 2004
  2. C. Perez

    Anne Brown Guest

    In addition to any replies you might receive or have already
    received, you may find more information or responses by posting
    future lisp/customization related questions in the following
    discussion group:

    Web browser:
    Anne Brown, Jul 26, 2004
  3. C. Perez

    Tom Smith Guest

    I want to create a macro or lisp routine or command button that will add
    "VIF" to certain dimensions.

    The easiest way to do this is to create a different dimension style with the
    VIF suffix. Then change those dimesnions to that style.
    dimension over a certain size.

    I think that's going to require a lisp to determine the dimension size, and
    then apply an override or change styles.

    In general, I think that if there's more than one dimension in a drawing
    which needs a special treatment, it's easier to maintain if you add a new
    dimension style rather than apply overrides to particular dimensions.
    Tom Smith, Jul 26, 2004
  4. C. Perez

    Doug Broad Guest

    Tom's got some good points. Here is a macro
    that will let you apply the override to a selection
    of dimensions.

    ;;Adds VIF to selected dimensions.
    (defun c:vif ( / ss) ;D. C. Broad 2004
    (setq ss (ssget (list (cons 0 "dimension"))))
    (command "dim1" "new" "<>VIF" ss ""))
    Doug Broad, Jul 26, 2004
  5. C. Perez

    C. Perez Guest

    Thanks alot guys. Yeah, I thought about Tom's way before but I use multiple
    DimStyles. A macro or lisp would be the fastest way to modify the dim text
    for any style already in use.

    You guys are the best.
    C. Perez, Jul 26, 2004
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