Dimensions in paperspace not representative to modelspace?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by donald.kirkland, Dec 15, 2004.

  1. I have just ran into a problem in which I have never encountered in the
    past. I usually dimension all objects in paperspace and as long as they
    are perpindicular to the drawing plane, I have yet to have a problem
    with them not showing the correct measurement as they have been drawn
    in modelspace. I am currently working on a house drawing for a friend
    of mine and all of the dimensions that are done in paperspace are
    coming out there true measurement in paperspace, ie: with a scale of
    1:40 a line measuring 48" measures 1.2". Has the drawing become
    corrupt? Is there a variable that has gotten changed accidentally? I
    have copied the entire drawing into a new file but I still have the
    problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    donald.kirkland, Dec 15, 2004
  2. donald.kirkland

    CS Guest

    You have 2 options. Click yourself into the view and dimension from within
    the viewed modelspace. Or setup your dimensions to convert the 1:40 scale.
    There is nothing wrong you are just scaling down the model to fit on a small
    sheet at a ratio you aren't used to what version are you using.

    CS, Dec 15, 2004
  3. donald.kirkland

    Pete Guest

    What version? If 2002 or higher, check the DIMASSOC variable. It should be
    set to 2.
    Pete, Dec 16, 2004
  4. I am using 2002. I primarily draw mechanical drawings for work, so most
    of my drawings are not nearly as big as a house. I have already checked
    that variable and it was set to 2. All of my drawing is done in 3D, so
    I have drawn this house as a solid model. 95% of al of the components
    subfloor, 2x4's, 2x10's etc.. are just scaled versions of the same
    1x1x1 cube block. Would this have conflicted with anything?
    donald.kirkland, Dec 16, 2004
  5. donald.kirkland

    cadcoke3 Guest

    I am on 2002 as well. There have been bugs in paperspace dimensions,
    since they were introduced... I have doubts they will ever be

    In 2002, transpacial dimensions were introduced. The idea was that a
    paperspace dimension would connect to the item you were measuring and
    automatically show the correct value, regardless of the scale of the
    view. Even if you edit on the model tab the transpacial dimension
    should update.

    The biggest problem I ran into was that the transpacial dimensions
    simply didn't work on most 3-d entities.(an acknowledged bug).

    In the past I used paperspace dimensions by creating sytles with
    manually set linear scale values. However, the last version I used, I
    had dimensions which would forget their scale factor.occasionally
    (perhaps some sort of file corruption that was never solved)

    So, for now, I stick faithfully to only placing dimensions in
    modelspace... which gets to be a pain after you hit a hundred layers.
    Joe Dunfee
    cadcoke3, Dec 16, 2004
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