Dimensions in outer space ;-)

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by grphxman1, Jun 14, 2006.

  1. grphxman1

    grphxman1 Guest

    I've got a 30" radius and a 35" radius that are vertical to one another and
    they are 1" apart on that vertical centerline. I'd like to use foreshortened
    radii so I can get the dim's down on the drawing sheet (B size) along with
    the 1" linear dim. Is there any way I can move all 3 dim's simultaneously
    and only straight down so that the center marks of the radii remain on

    grphxman1, Jun 14, 2006
  2. Try dragging foreshortened radii, should work.
    Stefan Loukov, Jun 14, 2006
  3. grphxman1

    grphxman1 Guest

    A picture would be worth a 1000 words (at least) in this situation but we
    don't have that luxury here.
    Did I mention that the center marks of the radii are off the sheet? Each
    foreshortened radius has points (3) where the leader zigs or zags. Each
    point has to be moved individually...at least I can't figure out a way to
    move all 3 at once much less both radii at once. I would like the radii to
    be centered vertically on the part. Rather than draw some construction
    geometry off the center of the part so I can "eyeball" the radii center
    marks back to center, it would be nice if there were some sort of "ortho
    mode" when moving the points of the radii so I could restrict movement to
    one axis.

    grphxman1, Jun 15, 2006
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