Dimensions--extensions & location of arrows

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Brian Mears, Sep 6, 2004.

  1. Brian Mears

    Brian Mears Guest

    Often, when dimensions come across from the model, the arrows are outside
    the extension lines, like this:


    But there seems to be plenty of room for them inside the extension lines. I
    can manually move them in by clicking on the arrows, and I get this:


    ....which I prefer. Does anybody know what controls whether or not the
    arrows are automatically placed inside the extension lines or outside? Is
    there a setting that I can play with to adjust this? Thanks in advance for
    the help...

    Brian Mears, Sep 6, 2004
  2. Brian Mears

    Mr. Pickles Guest

    Options - Document Properties - Dimensions

    In the Arrows section, change the setting there to Inside instead of the
    default Smart.

    Save this in your default Template files and they will be set everytime.
    Otherwise, you have to set it on every drawing, since it is saved with the
    drawing, or the Template.

    Mr. Pickles
    Mr. Pickles, Sep 6, 2004
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