Dimensioning in paper space- Problem with arcs

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Andrew Troup, Dec 21, 2003.

  1. Andrew Troup

    Andrew Troup Guest

    I am new to AutoCAD, and have been experimenting to find the best way for me
    to use viewports, paper scale, etc., taking full advantage of newer features
    like associative dimensions, in the context of having no "legacy" issues of
    my own.

    It seems to me that my purposes would best be served by locking the viewport
    scale and dimensioning in paper space. As well as having the advantage of
    freeing me from having to think about the text size for dimensions on a case
    by case basis, it also handles the situation (which I quite often encounter)
    of having to go back and change the scales of individual views after

    However, I am staggered to find that (at least in the drawing I am currently
    working on) when I try to dimension a fillet radius from paper space, it
    dimensions it to a point which is not the center of the arc, so that
    depending what angle I drag the dimension line to, I get a different value !

    The same happens with circles. The offset of the dimensioned center from the
    true center always seems to be the same.

    In almost every other respect this method is ideal for me, so can anyone
    advise a way around this (to me) incomprehensible behaviour?
    Andrew Troup, Dec 21, 2003
  2. Andrew Troup

    Smiley Guest

    I've eventually abandoned the idea of using paperspace dimensions
    because of constantly running into problems. Every new release seems
    to hold promise for finally making paperspace dimensions work, but
    everytime I've been disapointed. Granted, it seems to be 3D stuff
    which causes most of the problems, so a 2D designer gets better
    results. But, I think incomprehensible behavior is normal for Autocad

    Joe Dunfee
    Smiley, Jan 5, 2004
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