Dimension to Hidden Lines in Drawings

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by James, Jan 24, 2005.

  1. James

    James Guest

    I have been using solidworks for many years. Am I crazy, or can you no
    longer dimension to hidden lines in drawings?

    Some may say that's not proper dimensioning technique, but I often make
    layout type drawings during the design process - not for part
    manufacturing, and I often dimension to hidden lines.

    I also like to create dimensions to countersinks, then stick the
    dimension in a note and hid the original dimension, so my countersink
    angles update instead of just typing them in. I can't seem to
    dimension to countersunk hole angles from a "side" view anymore either.

    Does anyone have any tips? I'm hoping this is a bug that will be fixed
    in a service pack.
    James, Jan 24, 2005
  2. James

    CS Guest

    I use a similar method for dimensioning slots. Have you ever noticed the
    dimensions randomly disappearing. I reference the dimension then I hide it.
    I have noticed on occation that some of the dimensions that were hidden are
    no longer there.

    CS, Jan 24, 2005
  3. James

    \\/\\/im Guest

    Have the same problem.

    A work around is (SW2005 SP0.1):
    On part RBM Show/Hide: "show hidden edges", add dimension, RBM Show/Hide
    "Hide hidden edges".
    Only big problem is that not always all hidden edges are displayed with
    "show hidden edges".

    \\/\\/im, Jan 25, 2005
  4. James

    \\/\\/im Guest

    Also do not forget (SW2005) to select:
    Tools, Options, System options, Drawings, Select hidden entities !
    \\/\\/im, Jan 27, 2005
  5. James

    James Guest

    What did the trick for me finally is:

    Tools-Options-System Options-Display/Selection,

    checking "Allow selection in wireframe and HLV modes"
    and "Allow selection in HLR and shaded modes"

    It seems with every new version of solidworks, I have to relearn how to
    do something I've been doing just fine since 1997!

    I'm sure they have their reasons why they change some of these
    defaults, but it drives me crazy.
    James, Jan 27, 2005
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