Dimension text stacking

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by jseng, Sep 23, 2004.

  1. jseng

    jseng Guest

    My dimension text stacks up each time I hit the keyboard space bar. I can't find a way to stop this in dimstyle (modify). Can someone help me. Autocad 2000

    thanks Jim

    email to
    jseng, Sep 23, 2004
  2. jseng

    OLD-CADaver Guest

    Why are you hitting the space bar??
    OLD-CADaver, Sep 23, 2004
  3. jseng

    Rick Keller Guest


    If it is stacking fractions automatically...
    hilight the fraction
    right click
    select properties
    autostack button
    turn off autostack.

    Rick Keller, Sep 23, 2004
  4. jseng

    jseng Guest

    When I use a leader to point to and area and add a description - the text is stacking up vertically. For example - pointing to a part and describing it as "steel ring" - when I hit the space bar to separate the words they stack up vertically as if I were hitting the return. I can't find the option to stop this - I don't find it in dimstyle (AutoCAD 2000). Sorry for not being clear in my original post.

    jseng, Sep 23, 2004
  5. jseng

    Rick Keller Guest

    Maybe it is how you are creating your Mtext. The box you are using is too
    I dont use mtext myself except on leaders. And I make my leaders associative
    to the mtext.

    This way when you move the mtext the leader follows it.

    Try this:

    1. Type leader at the command prompt.
    2. Pick a point for the arrow end.
    3. Pick a second end approx where you want your text.
    4. Hit return.
    5. Start typing your text for your leader. Type the lines as long as you
    want hit return where you want.
    6. When finished hit return twice (once for the last text return & once to
    exit the command).

    Now the text is associated to the leader and the leader will follow the text
    if you use grips to move it.

    Rick Keller, Sep 23, 2004
  6. jseng

    teiarch Guest

    Maybe you have other issues to deal with (re: spacebar acting as enter key) but type qleader at the command line and verify the options currently defined.
    teiarch, Sep 24, 2004
  7. jseng

    Marty Guest

    In the mtext dialog box, go to the properties tab and set the width to "no
    wrap" or select a dimension for the length of the text. This should help if
    I understood your question.

    is stacking up vertically. For example - pointing to a part and describing
    it as "steel ring" - when I hit the space bar to separate the words they
    stack up vertically as if I were hitting the return. I can't find the
    option to stop this - I don't find it in dimstyle (AutoCAD 2000). Sorry for
    not being clear in my original post.
    Marty, Sep 24, 2004
  8. jseng

    jseng Guest

    thanks Marty

    I can correct wrapped dimension text by changing the width in the properties dialogue box or I can use grips to stretch out the text box - but the next time I use a Qleader I have to go though the same process. How can I set the text width wider and make it default? This did not used to be a problem and I don't know what changed my text width default. It is set at 1 now and returns to 1 each time I use a Qleader.

    PS "no wrap" doesn't seem to work in properties.

    thanks Jim
    jseng, Sep 24, 2004
  9. jseng

    jseng Guest

    thanks everyone

    I was able to change my text font by hitting the button next to text style (dimstyle command, modify, text). And the text wrappng disappeared, even when I returned to the original font.

    jseng, Sep 24, 2004
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