Dimension set to "This Configuration" by default. Help!

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by james, Sep 26, 2007.

  1. james

    james Guest

    On a part I've created in SW2007, when I add new configurations, many
    of the dimensions are set to "This Configuration" in sketches. This
    should not be the case (as far as I know).

    Does anyone know where to globally make them all apply to "All
    Configurations" by default!

    Thank you.
    james, Sep 26, 2007
  2. I believe that dimensions default to "All Configurations" until you change
    that to "This Configuration" or "Specify Configuration(s)", or you put in a
    Design Table with that dimension changing. But SolidWorks does have a habit
    of changing other parameters in mysterious ways without my input, so perhaps
    it bit you in this particular fashion.
    I don't.

    Jerry Steiger
    Jerry Steiger, Sep 26, 2007
  3. james

    james Guest

    Thanks for the sympathy Jerry.

    As an experiment, I deleted all of my configurations (a copy of my
    real part - the config's are relatively complex).

    Once all configurations were deleted, I checked the dimensions, and
    the "apply to configuration" menu disappears (as it should). As soon
    as I add a configuration again, the dimensions again default to apply
    to "This Configuration".

    james, Sep 26, 2007

  4. I get the same behavior on a test part. Dimensions which were "This
    Configuration" before I deleted the configurations were "This Configuration"
    after I built new ones. Dimensions which were "All Configurations" stayed
    the same in the new configurations.

    Jerry Steiger
    Jerry Steiger, Sep 26, 2007
  5. james

    james Guest

    Thanks for the confirmation Jerry.

    I'm at a client's office at the moment (discs not with me), or else
    I'd update to the latest 2007 service pack.

    I'm on 2007 SP 2.2
    james, Sep 26, 2007

  6. I'm on 2007 4.0, for what it's worth. I didn't see an error that looked like
    this on any of the fixed General SPRs after 2.2. I suspect your file just
    got messed up somehow.

    Jerry Steiger, Sep 26, 2007
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