Dimension query

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by john gaskell, Mar 24, 2006.

  1. john gaskell

    john gaskell Guest

    Under my dimension is a (D1) underneath. Every dimension I enter has a (D#).

    Its getting irritating.
    How do I disable this and what is it for?
    john gaskell, Mar 24, 2006
  2. john gaskell

    yawdro Guest

    The D# is the dimension name in SolidWorks. When you create a design
    table, the table is linked back to the specific dimensions by their

    To turn this off, go to Tools: System Options: General: and uncheck
    "Show dimension names"

    Solidworks will still name the dimensions, it is in the dimension's
    properties dialog, but you won't have to look at it on your screen all
    the time.
    yawdro, Mar 24, 2006
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