Dimension position for angles

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Brian, Jun 14, 2005.

  1. Brian

    Brian Guest

    Is there a way to fix dimension position within a parts sketch? With
    angular dimensions, using the spin box causes the location of the dimension
    to go shooting off into space. Something like it retains its leader lengths
    and moves to a position where they fit between the lines.

    Can see this by creating a sketch with two lines with 1 degree of
    angularity between them. Double click the dimension and change the spin box
    increment to .1 degree. Spin it a few smaller and confirm. Zoom extents to
    see where the dimension position actually winds up.

    2005 sp3.0
    Brian, Jun 14, 2005
  2. Brian

    Brian Guest

    Does not exhibit this behavior for two simple lines that share the same
    endpoint. But does exist for lines that do not, ie. opposite sides of a
    Brian, Jun 14, 2005
  3. I have tried it both ways and I can't get it to misbehave. I tried just the
    2 lines, then I tried the trapezoid where I defined everything. Wherever I
    place the dim text, there it stays. How about sending me an example and I
    will try it here.

    SW2005 SP3.1

    Wayne Tiffany, Jun 14, 2005
  4. Interesting. I tried the file you sent and saw the same problem you have
    been describing. I can make it stop by changing the drafting standard to
    anything but the ISO that you have it set to. Can you use ANSI? But I
    can't find anything to make it behave if you need to be in ISO standard. I
    would say to turn it in as a bug. I tried all of the available standards in
    the list and they all behave properly except for ISO.

    Wayne Tiffany, Jun 14, 2005
  5. Brian

    Brian Guest

    Guessing that since I am the only one at the company that does any cad
    at all, therefore self-designated head of engineering. I have the ability
    to declare an official interrum change to ansi dimensioning standard until
    further notice. <G> Agile mfg at work!

    BTW that fixed it for me, but i'll still send it in as bugs tick me off.
    Brian, Jun 14, 2005
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