Dimension lines in odd places or not displaying at all

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Mamie K. Anding, Sep 13, 2004.

  1. I am new to SolidWorks - I've had a few classes that used it and recently
    purchased a professional copy of it.

    I have a project I am working on that is almost done, but I keep running
    into a problem on a couple of the drawings. The parts are all revolved
    boss/bases and the sketches were copy/pasted from AutoCAD drawings.

    Most of the diameter dimensions are fine, but a few of them are not
    displaying in similar fashion.

    Problem #1:
    They display with a line between the arrows even though I have the arrows
    displaying outside the extension lines.

    Problem #2:
    The arrowhead opposite the dimension will not display the dimension line at
    all. If I move the dimension to the other side of the view, the missing
    dimension lines switches sides.

    Screen shots are at:

    Are there solutions to these problems?

    Thank you,
    Mamie K. Anding
    Mamie K. Anding, Sep 13, 2004
  2. Something to try to see if it has any effect. Change your third arrow
    dimension to .5. This should have the effect of making the leader line
    longer. Changing the second dimension looks like it should do that, but
    there is an error on that box in SW2004 in that the second dimension
    actually controls the length of the arrow, not the leader as indicated by
    the graphic.

    As far as some of the dimensions having the line across the middle, click on
    the green dot on the arrowhead - it should switch it back and forth. Also
    check to make sure you don't have the dimension set to Smart.

    Wayne Tiffany, Sep 13, 2004
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