Dimension extension refresh

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Nashy, Mar 6, 2005.

  1. Nashy

    Nashy Guest

    Hi all,

    I have some code that sets the z value of a AcadDimAligned Extension 1
    point to 0 (property ExtLine1Point).
    I use a selection set filtered on DIMENSION to iterate through the
    dimensions in my Drawing. After setting the value it is not reflected
    the drawing. Do I need to refresh the extention in some way to reflect
    it in drawing?

    'ssCurrent = AcadSelectionSet
    'eCurrent = AcadEntity
    'dtCurrent = AcadDimAligned

    Code snip
    FilterCodes(0) = 0
    FilterValues(0) = "DIMENSION"

    ssCurrent.Select acSelectionSetAll, , , FilterCodes, FilterValues

    If ssCurrent.Count <> 0 Then
    For Each eCurrent In ssCurrent
    If TypeOf eCurrent Is AcadDimAligned Then
    Set dtCurrent = eCurrent
    Call ZeroDimensionText(dtCurrent) 'Function call
    outlined below
    End If
    MsgBox "Selection Set Error"
    End If
    End Code Snip

    Public Function ZeroDimensionText(ByRef objDim As AcadDimAligned)
    Dim dimPos As Variant

    On Error GoTo Done

    dimPos = objDim.ExtLine1Point
    dimPos(2) = 0
    dimPos = objDim.ExtLine2Point
    dimPos(2) = 0
    dimPos = objDim.TextPosition
    dimPos(2) = 0

    If Err Then
    MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
    End If
    End Function


    Chris Nash
    Retailsolutions International Pty. Ltd.
    Bayswater, Victoria, Australia
    Nashy, Mar 6, 2005
  2. Nashy

    Nashy Guest

    Hmmm, forgot to set the property ExtLine1Point with the variant dimPos.
    Pretty obvious in the end.

    dimPos = objDim.ExtLine1Point
    dimPos(2) = 0
    objDim.ExtLine1Point = dimPos


    Thanks anyway

    Nashy, Mar 7, 2005
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