Dimension Calculations

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by inthepickle, Nov 9, 2005.

  1. inthepickle

    inthepickle Guest

    You guys have always been able to help me in the past. I am hoping
    that you can this time also.

    I am writing a macro, and I am having a hard time with one of the subs.
    What I want is to get the value of 3 preselected dimension, store them
    in some variable, do some calculations with them, and then write the
    results to a specified custom property in SolidWorks.

    Can someone either give me some code to do this, or at least point me
    in the right direction.

    Thnx for the help.
    inthepickle, Nov 9, 2005
  2. inthepickle

    inthepickle Guest


    I have since figured out how to delete and write custom properties to
    SolidWorks. All I need to know now is how to take a reference
    dimension value and store it in a variable.

    Please help.
    inthepickle, Nov 9, 2005
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