Dimension a circle in section view

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by cdubea, Feb 21, 2007.

  1. cdubea

    cdubea Guest

    For years I've tried to figure this out, but haven't the slightest
    idea if it is possible. If it is possible, how is it done?



    Currently I use multi-jog leader overlaid on itself to look like two
    arrowheads. It's certainly not the cleanest solution in town and
    rather difficult to get lined up.

    Any ideas?

    Any clever alternatives?

    cdubea, Feb 21, 2007
  2. cdubea

    That70sTick Guest

    Perhaps a horizontal break in the view, add dimensions, then crop out
    the top half?

    It has yet to fail me (= "I haven't actually tried")
    That70sTick, Feb 21, 2007
  3. cdubea

    That70sTick Guest

    Tried it. It has failed me.
    That70sTick, Feb 21, 2007
  4. cdubea

    Chris Dubea Guest


    Thanks I needed a good laugh.
    Chris Dubea, Feb 21, 2007
  5. cdubea

    drt Guest

    What I've done in the past is draw a construction line at the center
    in the section view. Then I convert the edges that want to dimension.
    Dimension these edges from the construction line; position the
    dimension above the construction line to get the diameter dimension.

    drt, Feb 21, 2007
  6. cdubea

    George Guest

    Not sure if this is what you want, but this is how I do it....
    Create the detail view, but make the controlling circle big such that
    both sides of the diameter can be seen in the detail view. Insert
    diameter dimensions. The reduce the circle size such that the detail
    now appears how you want it to, Rearrange dimensions to look pretty.
    George, Feb 21, 2007
  7. cdubea

    Sam Guest

    So I tried to post this twice but it never came through so here is my
    final try...

    You can do what you are wanting, search the help file for
    Foreshortened Diameter for instructions. So far I have been unable to
    find a way to add a double arrowhead to a dimension without that
    dimension being a foreshortened diameter.

    I would like to see solidworks add a double arrowhead to the list of
    arrow heads that are presented when the user rmb on a dimension arrow
    head. Doing that would allow the user to add a double arrowhead to any

    Sam, Feb 21, 2007
  8. cdubea

    Jeff Zim Guest

    I would like to add that the Foreshortened Dimension only seems to
    work if you have an Extrude. I went round and round with my VAR to
    find out how to do this and we discovered it doesn't work on Revolved
    Cuts. Keep it in mind. I'd like to see the double arrowhead added by
    Solidworks also.

    Jeff Zim, Feb 21, 2007
  9. cdubea

    dvanzile3 Guest

    create the DIA. dimensions in an unbroken view first. Then create
    your detail view just like you show in the picture. Then just select
    the DIA. dimension and HOLD DOWN the SHIFT key and drag and drop into
    the detail view. You should see the DIA. dimension foreshortened. The
    display option with double arrows can be controlled by your tools
    "options" in document properties.

    dvanzile3, Feb 23, 2007
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