Dim variables as shown in HELP

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Warren Trost, May 3, 2004.

  1. Warren Trost

    Warren Trost Guest

    While going through the HELP menu Dimension System Variables section I
    notice the following are not shown and must be set from the command line:

    Is this correct?

    Also, double notations on the illustrations:
    Text tab and Tolerances tab both have DIMTFAC.
    Text tab has DIMGAP in two locations as check box for draw frame and also as
    off set from dim line.
    Alternate Units tab as DIMAPOST in two locations opposite each other.
    Warren Trost, May 3, 2004
  2. Warren Trost

    Dave Byrnes Guest

    At the command prompt as opposed to the Dimension Style Manager dialogue, do
    you mean?

    DIMASSOC is not part of a dimension style, but you can set it to 1 or 2 by
    unchecking or checking "Associative Dimensions" on the User Preferences tab
    of the Options dialogue. If you want exploded dimensions (DIMASSOC 0), you
    have to do that from the command prompt. These settings are saved in the

    The others can all be set in the Dimension Style Manager:
    Dave Byrnes, May 3, 2004
  3. Warren Trost

    Warren Trost Guest

    Thank you but I understand the three options for setting DIMASSOC, as I use
    the "0" option personally, plus the individual settings and saving a new
    settings with the -DIMSTYLE method. I was only asking if my observations
    were correct that the mentioned settings are not part of DDIM and that there
    were some variables listed in more than one place.
    Warren Trost, May 3, 2004
  4. Warren Trost

    Dave Byrnes Guest

    I guess I don't understand the question then, since I thought I answered it.
    DIMASSOC is not saved in a dimension style, and the other variables you list
    are. It also seems likely that there are many things, not just dimension
    variables, that are listed in more than one place.

    And you really prefer exploded dimensions in your drawings?
    Dave Byrnes, May 3, 2004
  5. Warren Trost

    Warren Trost Guest

    My question was also for the other variables listed below that do not show
    up in the help section graphics display of the DDIM tabs from the help menu
    under Command Reference>Dimension Variables in Di9mension Style Dialog
    Boxes: These do not show up as being set in the DDIM command. I only asked
    if this was correct. I know what they are and what they do and how to save
    a revised style from the command line.

    I also had other questions about the double notation of variables, for
    apparently different settings, as noted in the help file for the tabs.
    Warren Trost, May 4, 2004
  6. Warren Trost

    OLD-CADaver Guest

    These do not show up as being set in the DDIM command. I only asked if this was correct. <<

    AFAICT, that is correct.

    Why DIMASSOC=0?
    OLD-CADaver, May 4, 2004
  7. Warren Trost

    Warren Trost Guest

    Can't break lines, if dimtext is moved line breaks, among many other issues.
    I have developed tools to update dimension text, mtext and assoc. dimensions
    by adding them up by windowing them to see if they total the overall length.
    This even works with the old simpfrac font. Just because dimensions are
    associated doesn't mean they are correct if someone doesn't know how to
    place them to start with. In that case, just relying on it can still cause
    inaccuracies. Too many times I get drawings from Architect's offices where
    the assoc. dimensions are not actually tied to a point so garbage in,
    garbage out. Also, just because AutoCad places them doesn't mean they are
    correct. For example if you place dimensions for a length of 13'-1" that is
    in three equal lengths, the dimensions will NOT add up if in the Arch.
    fraction mode. I know many use and like these, but having started in 2.6 I
    don't trust any placed dimensions and verify all strings.
    Warren Trost, May 5, 2004
  8. Warren Trost

    Dave Byrnes Guest

    Gosh, I'd personally find it a nightmare to work on drawings with exploded
    dimensions. I first learned on 1.4 (1984!) and have been using AutoCAD
    almost daily since 2.18 and I've found few reasons to explode dimensions --
    and none at all since named dimension styles in Release 11 and especially
    2004-style DIMASSOC 2 associated dimensions. I've also been teaching AutoCAD
    at local colleges since 1994, and do my best to drum into my students that
    they should NEVER NEVER NEVER explode dimensions.

    The case of 3 equal dimensions not adding up to 13'-1" in an architectural
    drawing strikes me as bogus for a number of reasons.

    First of all, when I started on the drafting board, I was taught to never
    close dimensions, so you would not have 3 dimensions that had to add up to
    an overall dim--you'd show just two of the sub-dimensions with the overall

    An alternative would be to have a continuous string of 3 dimensions with the
    text suppressed on the outside ones and the middle one reading 3 EQUAL
    SPACES = 13'-1". Obviously that's not a true distance either, but at least
    it's not exploded & anyone could put it back to a true dimension if

    Second, you wouldn't have 3 equal dimensions adding up to 13'-1" on a
    manually drafted drawing either.

    The other reason this example is bogus is that the difference between 1/3 of
    an inch and the next reasonable fraction (3/8") is .042". Going back to
    fractions, this is not much more than 1/32", a degree of precision that I
    would find pretty unlikely in any architectural plan.
    Dave Byrnes, May 5, 2004
  9. Warren Trost

    OLD-CADaver Guest

    Can't break lines<<

    Grip drag

    Proper dim setting eliminate.

    Unecessary if Assoc dims used.

    DIMASSOC=0 won't solve sloppy drafting.

    garbage out<<

    DIMASSOC=0 won't solve sloppy drafting.

    Has nothing to do with DIMASSOC. There is no Arch mode for 1/3 of an inch, calling for such is just lame drafting.

    don't trust any placed dimensions and verify all strings.<<

    Having started in V1.4 I trust all dims I place. If the drafter can't be trusted to place dims accurately, he can't be trusted to place the geometry accurately, which means he can't be trusted with a drawing. Poor training and/or poor work habits are not the fault of associated dims.

    Now if you just prefer it that way, carry on. Just be aware that there are more efficient methods.
    OLD-CADaver, May 5, 2004
  10. Warren Trost

    Warren Trost Guest

    Comments are appreciated whether we agree or not as it is the only way to
    share experiences.

    I agree about sloppy practices; however, I don't trust dimensions from
    others whether associated or not as I have seen too many instances of where
    they were not placed to a point but to a place in space.

    Grip drag doesn't break out the middle of a line does it? Also lines at
    times need to be shown as center lines, not continuous. As I remember from
    about 1994, Microstation had a way to break a leader in the middle to pass
    by a line and still be one entity. Couldn't this be done with assoc.
    dimensions in AutoCad? I've seen routines that will simulate this but if
    updated they go away.

    Lame or not, dimensions that do not add up can not be trusted either. If
    your boss wants to see all dimensions show up in a string then they must add
    up. If not then one can only guess which one is not correct. Not everyone
    has a boss/engineer who cares what AutoCad does, he wants it to come out
    the way he wants it period.

    someone doesn't know how to place them to start with<<
    three equal lengths, the dimensions will NOT add up if in the Arch. fraction
    inch, calling for such is just lame drafting.
    trusted to place dims accurately, he can't be trusted to place the geometry
    accurately, which means he can't be trusted with a drawing. Poor training
    and/or poor work habits are not the fault of associated dims.
    are more efficient methods.
    Warren Trost, May 5, 2004
  11. Warren Trost

    Warren Trost Guest

    The case of 3 equal dimensions not adding up to 13'-1" in an architectural
    I was taught to place a full string that did have to add up. In manual
    drafting they would add up because you made sure they did, else they were no
    True, this is certainly one way to get around it unless a standards enforcer
    runs a routine to "fix" all fudged dimensions.
    You are correct in that one of them would have to be different, my point.
    True it is only 1/32 but the point is it still doesn't add up and is
    therefore not correct. I've seen Architectural drawings come in that were
    dimensioned to 32s, not very practical in the real world of construction. I
    hate to see less than 1/4" though will use 1/8s. You know that is one mark
    on the tape.
    Warren Trost, May 5, 2004
  12. I used to, a few versions ago, hate associated dimensions also. Couldn't
    break lines or reposition the dimension text as needed. Then I learned how
    to control the dimenions (possibly after the needed features were added) and
    I love associated dimensions. When I have to edit an old drawing, I prefer
    to redimension rather than updating the dimension text manually.

    Using the grips to shorten the extension lines works great. Sometimes I need
    to add a line on the other side of what I am "breaking" the line for. For
    text crossing the extension lines, try text mask (express tool or I think
    standard with 2005. Also, 2005 version works with dimension text so
    relocating dimension text may not be needed as much.)

    The dimenion text edit button on the dimension tool bar allows repositioning
    the text.You may need to check / adjust the text placement rules on the Fit
    tab of the modify dim style window. You can also right click on an
    associated dimension and access lots of modifying tools, as well as on the
    property palette.

    If I get to an area where the fractions in the dimension string don't add
    up, I manually assess what they should be, click on the dimension(s) I want
    to change, go to the property palette and under the primary unit section,
    change the precision. This effects just the dimension selected. As noted on
    another response, if you are doing "closed" dimension, you will have to
    settle for one section possibly being off a slight fraction, just as you
    would in manually drafting, such as 3/8, 3/8, 1/4 (2/8) or using a smaller
    fraction as desired.

    You can still manually add each dimension string to double check, just as
    you do now. One thing I have discovered, don't have osnaps on - click on the
    intersection, endpoint, etc. toolbar button when needed. This helps
    eliminate snapping to the wrong point.

    Hope this gives some insight from someone who use to think like you.
    Dianne Shelbrack, May 5, 2004
  13. Warren Trost

    Kent Elrod Guest

    I have 2005 and all of those are shown in the help files.
    Kent Elrod, May 5, 2004
  14. Warren Trost

    OLD-CADaver Guest

    I agree about sloppy practices; however, I don't trust dimensions from others whether associated or not<<

    That's fine, but don't use sloppy drafting as an excuse to avoid associative dims.

    No, we have a routine that move the defpoint then places a line on the DIMM layer beyond the text as a separate entity. Now that we annotate in PS, we use TEXTMASK to cover the lines.

    That can be handled a number of ways. Separate lines on a layer with a center linetype, or a dimstyle with an extension line color that plots with a center linetype.

    But associative or not you wouldn't dimension something 4'-4 1/3". You'd show 2 dims at 4'-4 5/16" and one at 4'-4 3/8" or leave the last one off all together. At least that's how every drafter I know would do it. Thirds don't show up on tape measures in the field.
    OLD-CADaver, May 5, 2004
  15. Warren Trost

    Warren Trost Guest

    Forgot to say I was in R2002. I'm not talking about individual entries in
    the System Variables section, but in the section that graphically shows the
    tabs in the DDIM dialog box.
    Warren Trost, May 5, 2004
  16. Warren Trost

    Warren Trost Guest

    associative dims.

    Nobody said there was sloppy drafting.
    DIMM layer beyond the text as a separate entity. Now that we annotate in
    PS, we use TEXTMASK to cover the lines.

    and if you move the assoc point these lines automatically move with it??

    My printer for check plots does not support TEXTMASK so this is not an
    center linetype, or a dimstyle with an extension line color that plots with
    a center linetype.

    Again, more work and separate lines don't move with changes to the drawing.
    If associative shouldn't have to add lines, etc.
    show 2 dims at 4'-4 5/16" and one at 4'-4 3/8" or leave the last one off all
    together. At least that's how every drafter I know would do it. Thirds
    don't show up on tape measures in the field.

    I did not say I would add 1/3" to a dimension. I too would place the
    numbers as you stated.
    Warren Trost, May 5, 2004
  17. Warren Trost

    OLD-CADaver Guest

    That's fine, but don't use sloppy drafting as an excuse to avoid associative dims.<<<

    Ummm... you did, in your first post, I quote
    ""because dimensions are associated doesn't mean they are correct if someone doesn't know how to place them to start with""
    If the dimensions aren't properly placed, that's sloppy drafting and the fault of the drafter, not DIMASSOC.

    Stretch gets it all. It'd be odd to move the defpoint without all the related geometry surrounding that point wouldn't it?

    It's considerably less work than DIMASSOC=0, If all the dims have to be editted for each change.

    Then DIMASSOC=0 is of no help there. If you're placing the objects accurately (not sloppily) why would setting DIMASSOC=0 be of any use?
    OLD-CADaver, May 5, 2004
  18. Warren Trost

    Warren Trost Guest

    And the associative point is still at the originally place location? Can't
    say anything about 2005 as I am in 2002.

    I don't know about buttons as I don't use them. When there is something in
    the AutoCad menu I need switch to it. Menuload and partial menus would not
    be the best for me as use my own menu which from 1992 has grown to 348k and
    14 pulldowns with nothing from the Autocad menu included. My short command
    file is 109k and 7 pages of defined shortcuts.
    How would you know they did not add up if you trust AutoCad to accurately
    place them? Again if the standards enforcer runs routines to "fix" fudged
    dimensions these would be blown away wouldn't they?

    I don't manually add anything, that is done with a routine of mine.
    I have nothing against those who love associative dimensions. I just wish
    they would work like I need them to in my drawings to give the presentation
    and workability I need. Some like to dimension in MS, some in PS. Good and
    bad to both. In PS, once dimensions have been placed, if the building is
    rotated in the viewport (ucs) the dimensions don't rotate with it from what
    I found. I know this should be set before this stage but not everyone can
    work in an environment where everything is set in stone before you get this
    far. Small firms have to work with their clients and their dictates and
    last minute changes.
    Warren Trost, May 5, 2004
  19. Warren Trost

    Warren Trost Guest

    That's fine, but don't use sloppy drafting as an excuse to avoid
    associative dims.<<<
    someone doesn't know how to place them to start with""
    fault of the drafter, not DIMASSOC.

    I totally agree it is sloppy; however, if I am to use an Architect's drawing
    as a background xref, I can't go in and change his whole drawing to be
    correct so I have to work with what I get unfortunately.

    related geometry surrounding that point wouldn't it?

    Stretch works even if the end of the extension line end has been moved to
    get it out of the way?
    drawing. If associative shouldn't have to add lines, etc<<
    editted for each change.

    That's what AutoLisp is for.
    Warren Trost, May 5, 2004
  20. Warren Trost

    OLD-CADaver Guest

    I totally agree it is sloppy; however, if I am to use an Architect's drawing as a background xref, I can't go in and change his whole drawing to be correct so I have to work with what I get unfortunately. <<

    Why use the file if it can't be trusted? And if the source file is inaccurate how does DIMASSSOC=0 help, it still can't be trusted?

    Stretch works on whatever it gets.

    Let me get this straight now. You have customized lisp functions to edit non-associative dimension text to... ? What? Where does the number come from? You can't trust the drawing because it came from outside and is not accurate. Do you key-in the new text or what? And all this is easier than stretching one more line at the same time you stretch everything else?

    OLD-CADaver, May 5, 2004
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