dim leader variable

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by ads, Jan 31, 2004.

  1. ads

    ads Guest

    I am getting a gap between my user arrowhead and the leader line. My
    arrowhead is smaller than the "closed filled" that I usually use. Does
    anyone know if there is a variable that takes care of this?
    ads, Jan 31, 2004
  2. ads

    Walt Engle Guest

    No, but here is a leader lsp routine you may like. Load it and type "ldr"
    (without the quotes, of course).

    (defun c:ldr ( / np g:ts ts n tdata p1 p2 p3 p4)
    (setvar "osmode" 0)
    (prompt "\nDraws leader with a standard arrowhead and text [NO
    (setq g:ts (* 0.125 (getvar "dimscale")))
    (setq asz (getvar "dimasz"))
    (setq asz (* asz (getvar "dimscale")))
    (setq woah (/ asz 3.0))
    (setq ts g:ts)
    (setvar "textsize" ts)
    (setq n 0)
    (setq tdata nil)
    (while (/= "" (setq tl (getstring t "\nEnter text: ")))
    (setq tdata (cons tl tdata))

    (setq htet (getdist (strcat "\n<Current text Height>/or Enter new
    text Height <"
    (rtos (/ (getvar "textsize")(getvar "dimscale")))
    ">: ")))

    (if (null htet)(setq htet (/ (getvar "textsize")(getvar
    ;(setq ts (* htet (getvar "dimscale")))
    ;(if (<= htet 0.125)(command "-layer" "s" "0" ""))
    ;(if (> htet 0.125)
    (if (> htet 0.375)(command "-layer" "s" "0" ""))

    (setq tdata (reverse tdata))
    (if (<= (car p1)(car p2))
    (setq p3 (list (+ (car p2) g:ts)(cadr p2))
    p4 (list (+ (car p3) g:ts)(- (cadr p3)(* 0.5 ts)))
    (command "line" p2 p3 "")
    (repeat (length tdata)
    (command "text" p4 ts 0 (nth n tdata))
    (setq p4 (polar p4 (* 1.5 pi)(* 1.75 ts)))
    (setq n (1+ n))
    (if (> (car p1)(car p2))
    (setq p3 (list (- (car p2) g:ts)(cadr p2))
    p4 (list (- (car p3) g:ts)(- (cadr p2)(* 0.5 ts)))
    (command "line" p2 p3 "")
    (repeat (length tdata)
    (command "text" "r" p4 ts 0 (nth n tdata))
    (setq p4 (polar p4 (* 1.5 pi)(* 1.75 ts)))
    (setq n (1+ n))
    (SETVAR "OSMODE" 32)
    (defun c:ldr1 ()
    (initget 1)
    (setq p1 (getpoint "\nStart leader (Tip of arrowhead): "))
    (initget 1)
    (setq p2 (getpoint p1 "\nNext point on leader or end: "))
    (setq p3 (polar p1 (angle p1 p2) (* 1.5 g:ts)))
    (command "Pline" p1 "w" "0" (* 0.5 g:ts) p3 "w" "0" "" p2)
    (setq np (getpoint (getvar "lastpoint") "\nNext point on
    leader or <ENTER> to end: "))
    (if (/= np "")
    (setq p1 (getvar "lastpoint"))
    (setq p2 np)
    (command p2)
    (if (= np "")
    (command "")
    Walt Engle, Jan 31, 2004
  3. ads

    CAB2k Guest

    Sounds like your insert point on your arrow block is no on the edge of the arrow.

    CAB2k, Feb 1, 2004
  4. ads

    Doug Broad Guest

    The arrow block must fit "exactly" inside a 1 unit x 1 unit
    square. If it does not, then the gap will appear. You may
    make the arrow as small as you wish within that 1x1 square
    as long as you add a short leader so that the distance across
    the arrow/leader is 1 unit.

    Using smaller arrows is best handled by setting dimasz rather
    than drawing the arrow smaller.
    Doug Broad, Feb 1, 2004
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