difficult qustion easy answer with macros

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by Jon Summers, Jul 16, 2003.

  1. Jon Summers

    Jon Summers Guest

    Barrie ...
    What does the code look like?
    Jon Summers, Jul 16, 2003
  2. Jon Summers

    Barrie Coles Guest

    I've been using ms95, se j(v7) for about a million years, and have great
    pleasure in playing with macros. I have one that does the following in
    I load a design file from which I create plots, It would have all required
    model files and drawing sheet files etc,. with appropriate levels, symb' etc
    set, and the drawing reference would be the file name. say 87211-ab-01.plt
    ( the plt tells me that this files creates the plot). By pressing my
    function key, we:
    1.. Creates a file fence copy of this design file with all files trimmed to
    one design file. The process asks for a revision if required, and creates a
    file say.. 87211-ab-01b.plt.
    2.. Also creates a plot file, based on the boundary of the drawing sheet,
    for sending to a hpgl2 plotter called 87211-ab-01b.000
    3.. The macro interogates a database of plot files and reports if such a
    revision already exists and prompt an appropriate action to stop or over
    4.. Creates an autocad copy of the file fence copy as 87211-ab-01b.dwg, for
    issue to associated copanies ie Struct eng', M&E etc who are not using
    5.. All the above files are placed in appropriate directories as setup..

    I think thats quite a nice little macro..... but my problem...

    What would I key into V8 to get it to create an Autocad file without coming
    out of my macro. I know the command to save as... but I can't get it to run
    from the macro..

    I'll buy you a vertual pint if you can help....

    (Can anyone think of word that rhymes with pint???)

    Barrie Coles, Jul 16, 2003
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