Different start page

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by caduser, Jul 29, 2007.

  1. caduser

    caduser Guest

    Hello all,

    I have a couple of clients that require different paper formats and
    different start pages for their projects.

    How can I change or butt-up with the different start pages for these

    Are these located in the config.pro?
    caduser, Jul 29, 2007
  2. caduser

    David Janes Guest

    Hello all,

    I have a couple of clients that require different paper formats and
    different start pages for their projects.

    How can I change or butt-up with the different start pages for these

    Are these located in the config.pro?

    Use the configuration option web_browser_homepage to set your default start or home page. And, yes, this is in config.pro.

    David Janes
    David Janes, Jul 29, 2007
  3. caduser

    caduser Guest


    Thank you for your quick response and your help. How do you get to
    the web_browser_homepage and its configuration option?
    caduser, Jul 29, 2007
  4. caduser

    David Janes Guest


    Thank you for your quick response and your help. How do you get to
    the web_browser_homepage and its configuration option?

    Go to 'Tools>Options', type the option name from above or simply scroll down to it. If you don't find it, uncheck the box that says Show only options loaded from file. If this box is greyed out, go to the box under Showing: and click the down arrow. In the list, you'll see Curren Session. Select that to get the list of all the active options for your version of Pro/e. In this list you'll find the setable option, select it and on the input line to the right, type in the path to the webpage. Be sure to click the Add and Apply buttons, then save this (disk icon at the top) to your home directory as config.pro so that it will load again the next time you start Pro/e. If you need further help, try checking out the 'Help>Help Center' under Modules and Books. In the list, you'll a couple of excellent resources: Installation Guide which explains more about configuring Pro/e adn Configuration Options which explains all the options in a little more detail.

    David Janes
    David Janes, Jul 29, 2007
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