Different lines by plotting

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by Adriaan, Sep 23, 2003.

  1. Adriaan

    Adriaan Guest


    Can anybody help me?
    We've different lines. We can't find the problem. Maybe it's in
    Microstation or it's in Windows.
    There are 3 computers and all of them have different lines... 2 of the
    computers are in our company and 1 is in a other company.
    We use the same line styles. We don't see a difference in
    On the print paper can we see a difference between the lines.
    Can anybody help me??
    Adriaan, Sep 23, 2003
  2. It sounds like different plot driver files. The weights and line styles are
    defined in there and they may have been altered between the 3 computers.

    Which ever plot driver you are using, make sure the line style definitions
    are the same.

    Dennis Barker
    Dennis Barker, Sep 23, 2003
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