Difference between dbCreatePin and leCreatePin

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by harry, Sep 5, 2006.

  1. harry

    harry Guest

    Hi guys,

    Can you tell me the difference between dbCreatePin and leCreatePin

    I want to create some vdd and gnd pins on a layout. I did this by using
    the leCreatePin function, but when i'm extracting the netlist
    hierarchically i get an error saying the pin is on a different net.
    Please note the layout has been imported as a def which was generated
    by SOC encounter.

    Please let me know why this is happening.


    harry, Sep 5, 2006
  2. dbCreatePin is a lower level function - you need to have created the net,
    terminal and shape, and then create the pin (actually you can omit creating
    the terminal).

    leCreatePin takes care of creating the pin shape, and the net, and the terminal.
    It also sets various attributes like the terminal direction, and the pin access

    From a quick glance, I'd expect leCreatePin to always create a net with the same
    name as the terminal.

    Without some idea of what the error actually is, or which netlister you're
    using, I can't be of much more help.


    Andrew Beckett, Oct 9, 2006
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