Diesel Expression to Divide Field Format Code by 10

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Rick Spangenberger, Feb 6, 2005.

  1. Is it possible to create a diesel expression to divide a field format code
    by 10?
    The field format code is: %<\AcObjProp Object(%<\_ObjId
    2126431928>%).CustomScale \f "%lu2%ct1%qf2816">%/

    This is a Object, Viewport, Custom Scale, -Field Format Code.
    The number returned by the format code, in this case, is 50. I need the
    number 5 returned by the expression.

    My understanding of the formatting code is:
    that a conversion code (CTx), where x is 1-4, can be used in the string

    1. Inverse value (1/x)
    2. Foot to inch (x*12)
    3. Inch to Foot (x/12)
    4. Square inch to square foot (x/12*12)

    This however, does not include an expression to divide or multiply by a
    specified value.

    Would someone be kind enough to lend a hand, or steer me in the right
    Thank You
    Rick Spangenberger, Feb 6, 2005
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