Dialog Boxes - Mode_Tile Question

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by mlv, Oct 20, 2006.

  1. mlv

    mlv Guest

    Windows XP, AutoCAD 14 & 2006

    Is there any way on initialising a dialog box that, if a particular button
    is greyed out, the focus will shift to a list box and select and highlight
    the first item in that list box?

    I have no problem with greying out the button (mode_tile "b_key" 1) or
    shifting focus to the list box (mode_tile "lb_key" 2). There appears to be
    a kind of 'selection frame' around the first item in the list box, but I
    can't get the item to highlight and therefore be selected by default.

    The list box in question has 'multiple_select = true;' set.

    mlv, Oct 20, 2006
  2. mlv

    Jiro Guest

    Set the attribute "is_default = true".
    Jiro, Oct 21, 2006
  3. mlv

    mlv Guest


    I don't think this will work.

    "is_default = true;" would have to be set in the dcl file, whilst I want to
    control the focus from the associated lisp file. Anyway, the standard
    'OK_Button' defined in Base.dcl already has "is_default = true;" set, and
    you can only set it once.

    With my routine, normally a button called 'Last' is the default, but
    sometimes this button has to be greyed out when the dialog box is initiated.
    When this button is greyed out, I want the focus will shift to a list box
    and select and highlight the first item in that list box.

    I have tried the routine with the list box set "is_default = true;" and have
    removed "is_default = true;" from the OK retirement button definition. The
    list box now has focus, but the first item is still not selected and
    mlv, Oct 23, 2006
  4. mlv

    JP Guest

    I'm also unable to highlight the listbox, only when clicked on.
    Solved it simple, make sure that the initial value is set:
    (SET_TILE "xxxx" "0") xxxx is the name of the listbox, 0 is the first
    value from the list
    on OK or selecting the listbox I retrieve the value clicked:
    (SETQ zxxxz (ATOI(GET_TILE "xxxx"))) <-what value is chosen
    when the listbox has not been chosen I use (just OK clicked):
    (IF(= zxxxz NIL)(SETQ zxxxz 0)) <- to make sure something is set

    I use the above techniques trough all of my progs; users are lazy, no matter
    how you build the progs, they always 'forget' to push or click a button.

    Hope it helps a little.

    JP, Oct 24, 2006
  5. mlv

    mlv Guest

    Thanks Jan, it worked fine.
    mlv, Oct 24, 2006
  6. mlv

    JP Guest

    Been doing some more experimenting.
    Finally succeeded in getting the focus to an edit-box or list-box !!
    The trick is:
    first assign values to the list and point to the first value as shown.
    now this:
    (MODE_TILE "xxxxx" 2) ; puts the focus to the list box or edit box
    (MODE_TILE "xxxxx" 3) ; activates the list box or edit box, ready for
    selecting/typing over (makes it blue)

    You MUST use the mode_tile 2 and 3, omit one of them and it won't work.

    Hope it solves your problem completely now.

    JP, Oct 26, 2006
  7. mlv

    mlv Guest

    Interesting - I had tried:

    (mode_tile "xxxxx" 2)

    followed by:

    (mode_tile "xxxxx" 3)

    before I posted my question, and it didn't work. It worked OK for an Edit
    Box, but not for a List Box. I hadn't pointed to the first List Box item
    (set_tile "xxxxx" "0") though.

    With a List Box, if I use:

    (mode_tile "xxxxx" 2)

    followed by:

    (set_tile "xxxxx" "0") ["0" selects the first List Box item.] then it works
    fine - the List Box receives focus and the first List Box item is
    highlighted. I don't need to use (mode_tile "xxxxx" 3).

    IIRC, (mode_tile "xxxxx" 3) is platform dependent, and doesn't need to be
    called on some systems. I guess my system doesn't need it.
    mlv, Oct 27, 2006
  8. mlv

    JP Guest

    Fine that it works.
    Just bear in mind that someday your program should run on another computer
    where this mode 3 could be needed.
    Always try to make the program 'portable' to other systems (even your
    co-worker might have a different system).


    JP, Oct 30, 2006
  9. mlv

    mlv Guest

    Good point.

    It certainly does no harm to call 'mode 3'.
    mlv, Oct 30, 2006
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