dfII to xcircuit translator

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by satya, May 1, 2006.

  1. satya

    satya Guest

    Hi All

    I have often had to present schematics from Cadence DFII for review to
    other people. While they are great for CAD, the schematics are rather
    ugly looking. When I have to create good-looking schematics, I have to
    draw it all over again using xcircuit or xfig.

    I am wondering if any one every did a dfII to xcircuit translator. If
    not, I think I might attempt one. The plan is to use the dbWriteSkill
    function and then do a one to one translation of the dfII functions
    into xcircuit tcl. The process may not being completely automated, but
    it should go quite some way in producting a usable schematic.

    Let me know what you think.

    satya, May 1, 2006
  2. satya

    vdvalk Guest

    Why are your schematics ugly?

    My guess is that you have not created a postscript output format for
    dfII to plot the schematics to.

    A production Process Design Kit (pdk) should contain the code to
    generate reasonable Colour or Black&White images to plot.
    These are typically chosen with different primary display colours than
    the screen becasue most kits/users prefer a black background for
    computor screens and plotting on to White paper. (There are a few
    tricks to look out for when setting up a kit in this way, and few are!)

    I do recall that we did have one designer who did create a mapping tool
    similar to what you suggest, but it was a pain to keep up to date.

    -- Gerry
    vdvalk, May 8, 2006
  3. Depending on the library, even postscript may look ugly. And xcircuit was
    made to make publishing quality circuits, which is definitively not the
    case with cadence.
    The hassle would not be a result of the author of xcircuit if you told him
    what you are doing.
    Svenn Are Bjerkem, May 11, 2006
  4. satya

    satya Guest


    Sorry for the late reply.My company has dropped newsgroup access and I
    have to go through google groups.

    Anyways, Cadence DFII schematics are ugly becuase the only drawing
    primitive available seems to be lines. Everything else is approximated
    using lines. It works fast and all that but the results are not
    eye-pleasing. In fact, I think they detract from the circuit.

    I think XCircuit is fairly stable and there are relatively few
    developers. It shouldn't be too hard to keep up. May be I can even
    convince him to include it (I am already speakin as if I have finished
    the project!) in XCircuit.
    satya, May 15, 2006
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