developing true length on compound curve?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Shaun Van Poecke, Apr 21, 2007.

  1. hi all,
    Im trying to develop a shape thats a bit complex to me, for fabrication at
    work. What we have is a large copper furnace, its a cylinder lying on its
    side. The cylinder is about 20 feet in diameter. I have to build a mouth
    to sit on top of it, you could imagine the mouth as being a second piece of
    pipe, meeting the cyllinder at a 90degree angle. The mouth itself is
    actually a shape with two straight sides (parallel to the ends of the
    cyllinder) and two curved sides running parallel to the cyllinder, each
    curved side with a different radius.

    Ive drawn out the cyllinder and the mouth, in plan and in section and the
    results are showing me what i want, but its not really what i want. The
    purpose of this drawing is to allow me to make dimensions for making the two
    curved pieces. What i really want, is to be able to 'unroll' the curved
    piece so its flat, then i can take dimensions off it at will. Imagine, more
    simply if you like that im just joining two pipes together, and the second
    pipe is joining into the middle of the first one. what i really want is to
    be able to slit that second pipe down the middle and unroll it so its now a
    piece of flat sheet. any clues how to do this? Im sure there is something
    simple i can do here that im missing.

    the alternative, is looking at the overhead view, taking lines every foot or
    so and drawing them out onto the front and side views then taking individual
    measurements.... but this really only gives me true lengths while the piece
    is *curved*. Which means the sheet will need to be rolled first, then
    measurements projected onto it from a hypotehtical flat line, then the
    ellipse drawn, then cut. In an ideal world i would be able to calculate
    that ellipse first, mark it out onto a flat sheet, cut it, then put it
    through a roller and it would all fit up nicely. The sheet of steel is
    about 2" thick which is why it would be easier to cut ot before rolling.

    Any and all advice welcome!
    Shaun Van Poecke, Apr 21, 2007
  2. Shaun Van Poecke

    Guest Guest

  3. Shaun Van Poecke

    strawberry Guest

    A while back I used a free utility called unwrap that, although crude,
    did work for this kind of thing. Maybe it's still out there somewhere.
    strawberry, Apr 22, 2007
  4. Shaun Van Poecke

    Dr Fleau Guest

    Here's a page taken from a technical manual explaining how to do the basics.
    It's in french, but I'm sure you can figure it out from the graphics.

    BTW, I've never tried to post a link from there, so it might not work. I'll
    check back to see how it turns out.

    Dr Fleau
    Dr Fleau, Apr 23, 2007
  5. Shaun Van Poecke

    Dr Fleau Guest

    Ok. Need to register to for it to work. Sorry. I'll try to figure
    something out.

    Dr Fleau
    Dr Fleau, Apr 23, 2007
  6. Shaun Van Poecke

    Dr Fleau Guest

    Take 2

    Dr Fleau
    Dr Fleau, Apr 23, 2007
  7. Thanks for the reply,
    Looking at it, this looks pretty much like what i ended up doing, which is
    the same way i would have approached it if i were drawing it manually. It
    ended up taking about half a day though. This way of doing things, while
    accurate is hardly quick, or elegant though :-(

    I drew out a top and side view, then a front and back view to the left and
    right of the side view. i then took a series of xlines at 100mm intervals
    horizontally from the top view and took them across and down to the front
    back views, then created vertical xlines down to the sideview and across
    again to the front and back views. than i could draw a manual line at each
    'crossing point' on the xlines. this gave me height at 100mm intervals, but
    still not a true length as the pipe was still 'curved', if you like.

    Next i took the top vew and broke the curve at every xline.... by then
    measuring the arc length of each of the curved sections i could set up a
    spline line and bring the vertical lengths across to it. What it means in
    reality though was that i had to measure each one manually, then re-create
    this arc length on-the-flat with an offset command. Sound tedious enough?
    yeah, it was. at least i only had to do half the curve, because i could
    mirror the other half. Given that it was about 3 metres wide, this
    ammounted to 15 measurements. I had to work out two developments since the
    object is straight on the sides with a different radius at the front and the
    back, so i did one development for the front and one for the back. One less
    than pretty thing about the final development is that the reference lines
    ended up being uneven once it was 'rolled out'.... sincei took them at even
    100mm intervals on the curved section, when on the flat they started out at
    about 110mm aprt at the outside (but all odd numbers, like 109.7584) and
    ended up at 100mm in the center.

    If you're interested, i can send you a copy of the drawing, i also have a
    self executing solidworks 3D model of the object with an inbuilt viewer if
    you'd like to take a look, but its biggish (about 2.5meg).

    I'd be interested in hearing any improvements on the way i do this, even if
    it is just a small improvement over the xlines, then cut the arc and
    manually measure, then offsets technique. While i dont have to do
    developments like this very often, it would be nice to find a more automatic
    (and hopefeully less prone to human error) way of doing it.

    Shaun Van Poecke, Apr 27, 2007
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