Developing Ruled Surfaces

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by parel, Dec 17, 2005.

  1. parel

    parel Guest

    I am developing some soft good concepts and would like to use ruled
    surfaces as a reference to create flat patterns. I would like to create
    a set of ruled surfaces that could be flattened out for a pattern
    maker. I have been looking but it does not seem that the sheet metal
    functionality works with surfaces. Does anyone have any ideas?
    parel, Dec 17, 2005
  2. parel

    jmather Guest

    it does not seem that the sheet metal
    functionality works with surfaces.

    Sheet metal is not infinitely thin. Thicken the surfaces to solids.
    jmather, Dec 17, 2005
  3. parel

    Jeff Howard Guest

    ... Thicken the surfaces to solids.

    Curiosity question: Will SW flatten all developable / flat wrap shapes, i.e. a
    thin walled extrusion with elliptical section?

    All else failing, Rhino might be suggested. It'll do anything developable and
    try to give you an approximation of shapes with mild compound curvature.

    Believe AeroHydro's SW add-on (? or is it a separate "flatten" module?) can do
    compounds, too, though more expensive.
    Jeff Howard, Dec 17, 2005
  4. parel

    matt Guest

    The only thing SW will flatten is sheet metal. The only way to get SW
    to flatten a ruled surface is to make a "lofted bend" sheet metal
    feature. If you make your ruled surface, convert the 2 non-straight
    sides to 3D sketches, then make lofted bends, that will flatten. This
    essentially uses the ruled surface just as a reference to get the edges,
    and uses them to create essentially the same geometry, but with some
    thickness, and as part of a sheet metal feature.

    Otherwise the Rhino (free) or an eval copy of Geometryworks will do it
    for free.

    Good luck,

    matt, Dec 17, 2005
  5. parel

    TOP Guest

    It is possible to flatten any doubly curved surface in SolidWorks, but
    the method requires a great deal of very tedious work and is only an
    approximation in most cases.
    TOP, Dec 18, 2005
  6. parel

    parel Guest

    Yup- I have Rhino . I was hoping that I would not have to use the
    program, as it it somewhat slow and I was hoping to do more work in
    Solidworks. It would be cool to use the ruled surface as a skeleton
    over which to generate geometry. Then flatten the ruled surfaces and
    use the ruled surfaces (bent and unbent) to create deform curves. This
    is probably unnecessary but would have been an interesting exploration.
    However you would think that Solidworks would be able to develop at
    least a thickened ruled surface.

    I have pseudo-flattened a label pocket in the past using the Deform
    command. Is this the tedious work you were referring to?
    parel, Dec 18, 2005
  7. parel

    TOP Guest

    Deform is not what I had in mind. The method is much more tedious than
    that. It is in fact what you would have to do if you were using a
    drawing board and involves breaking the surface up into triangles and
    then using projection methods to get a true approximation in the flat.
    It works, but is very tedious. I used it last for a warped sheet metal
    part to get a laser pattern. Once a year is enough.
    TOP, Dec 18, 2005
  8. parel

    jmather Guest

    jmather, Dec 18, 2005
  9. parel

    Jeff Howard Guest

    Muchas gracias, senor. `;^)
    Jeff Howard, Dec 18, 2005
  10. Try using a lofted surface on the elliptic cross section. Then thicken
    the surface and flatten it. That might work.
    Bruce Bretschneider, Dec 26, 2005
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