Determining ActiveLayout Plot Scale

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Eric Howard, Dec 22, 2004.

  1. Eric Howard

    Eric Howard Guest

    I need to query the activelayout's current scale factor for plotting. Here
    is what I have found so far.
    The following ONLY works if a standard scale is not being used:
    dim numerator as double, denominator as double
    set objLayout=ThisDrawing.Layouts.Item("Layout1")
    objlayout.GetCustomScale numerator, denominator
    If a standard scale is being used the above returns 1/1!!
    You can determine the standardscale being used by:
    var = objlayout.StandardScale
    It returns an enum value. There is no enum value called "Custom"

    If the StandardScale is "acScaleToFit" there is NO way to determine the
    scale required to make the layout FIT the page.

    How do I determine what scale factor is being used for ScaleToFit?
    Eric Howard, Dec 22, 2004
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