Detecting UserLogon status

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Laurie Comerford, Jan 11, 2005.

  1. Hi,

    Further to the discussion under
    "Saving & Restoring User Info on Forms"

    above, I'm wondering if there is an API to detect the user's log on status.

    Is he an Administrator, a Power User, a Normal User, a Guest etc.?

    I expect I could attempt to write to something to HKLM and process any error
    which occurs, but this seems inelegant.


    Laurie Comerford
    Laurie Comerford, Jan 11, 2005
  2. Laurie Comerford

    bcoward Guest


    To detect whether a user is administrator I've used the following code.

    Bear in mind that this code needs a reference to the MS Windows Installer object library but I think will suite your needs. I've used it successfully with Novell and NT.

    Dim objInst As WindowsInstaller.Installer
    Dim objSession As WindowsInstaller.Session
    Dim strGuid As String
    Dim bIsAdmin As Boolean

    ' Won't instantiate using New keyword
    Set objInst = CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer")

    With objInst
    .UILevel = msiUILevelNone
    strGuid = .Products(0)
    Set objSession = .OpenProduct(strGuid)
    End With

    ' Retrieve AdminUser property and convert to a boolean value
    With objSession
    bIsAdmin = CBool(.Property("AdminUser"))
    End With

    If bIsAdmin Then
    ' Do stuff
    MsgBox ("You are an Administrator...")
    ' Do nothing
    MsgBox ("You are not an Administrator...")
    End If

    ' Clean up
    Set objSession = Nothing
    Set objInst = Nothing

    Hope this helps your wonderings.


    Bob Coward
    CADS, Inc

    bcoward, Jan 11, 2005
  3. I believe this can be acomplished using the
    Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) API
    Jorge Jimenez, Jan 11, 2005
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