Detail Component Mananger

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Dean, Mar 14, 2005.

  1. Dean

    Dean Guest

    LDD 2005 only comes with a US library which is totally useless here in
    We also have ADT 2005 which includes the UK library which is much more

    Has anyone gotten the UK database to work in LDD?

    I've copied the library over and set it as current, and most things work
    However, Parallel Flange Channels (for which the US version doesn't include)
    throw a compile error (Can't find project or library) when used.
    The vba window opens and AecDtlApplication is highlighted.

    How do I get this to work?
    Dean, Mar 14, 2005
  2. G'day mate

    They always forget about us Aussies.....
    Being on the bottom of the globe boohoo.

    Dunno much about LDD and ADT.....but.......
    The UK library...are they using Autralian BHP details?

    If not....go to the BHP website and you can download all
    their steel sections and update your library with those.

    As far as the VBA application...don't have the answer for that one.

    Leo the builder
    Leothebuilder, Mar 16, 2005
  3. Dean

    Dean Guest

    Thanks anyway Leo,

    I'm not talking about a block library (I know about the BHP website).

    I have lisp routines to draw all the shapes in section, elevation & plan
    that I've used for years but I just got 2005 and the DCM appears, at first
    glance, to offer the same functionality plus a lot more.

    It doesn't matter if the UK database uses "BHP brand" sections or not, since
    it's easy to adjust dimensions etc within the DCM.
    I can do that with the US version even.

    The point is, certain shapes are not in the US version but are in the UK
    eg. US has a Tapered Flange Channel (TFC) shape... but there's no way to
    turn that into our more common Parallel Flange Channel (PFC).
    That is, there's no way to flatten the taper.
    Dean, Mar 16, 2005
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