Detail circle arrowheads

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by 49again, Oct 13, 2006.

  1. 49again

    49again Guest

    I feel kinda sheepish askin' this question - I've only been using this
    software since 97Plus.....

    I can't seem to find where to control the size of the arrowhead at each
    end of a broken Detail Circle. You know, the arrows that point at the
    detail letter. Mine are always the same size as a regular Dimension
    arrowhead, and from what it shows in my IHS Drafting Manual, the
    arrowheads should be the same size as Section Line arrowheads, which I
    have set at about 3 times the size of a dimension arrowhead. Thing is,
    I'm positive they USED to be the right size in some past version of SW,
    but for the last couple of years, they come out small.

    Just a bitty annoyance, I know.....

    Where the HECK is that controlled?


    Steve R.
    49again, Oct 13, 2006
  2. 49again

    Muggs Guest

    Same place; Tools>Options>Document Properties>Detailing>Arrows>Size

    SW 2006 SP5

    Muggs, Oct 13, 2006
  3. 49again

    Muggs Guest

    Sorry, Steve.
    I just reread your post after my reply. It seems you already know that.
    However, I do agree it should be with the Section/View arrows sizes.

    Muggs, Oct 13, 2006
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