Designing with tubes

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Haude Daniel, Jan 10, 2008.

  1. Haude Daniel

    Haude Daniel Guest


    I'm edsigning a part which is essentially a big hollow tube with several
    thinner tubes sticking out of it at all sorts of angles. Is there a simple
    way to automatically have the wall of the big tube cut where a thinner
    tube intersects it, or do I always have to add an extra cut feature to
    make the proper opening into the big tube?

    Maybe my explanation isn't very clear. Just think of plumbing: It's not
    enough to weld two tubes together to make a "T" shape, you also have to
    cut a hole into the horizontal part. I'm seeking a way to automatically do

    Thanks -- Oh, I'm using SW2005.

    Haude Daniel, Jan 10, 2008
  2. Haude Daniel

    Bo Guest

    Extrude a "rod" with "Up to Surface" , and then do the ID cut with "Up
    to Next".

    Bo, Jan 10, 2008
  3. Haude Daniel

    kenneth Guest

    in a word, weldment.
    kenneth, Jan 10, 2008
  4. as far as the cuts in the small tubes, you can simply make a sketch on the
    end of the big tube and use it to cut off (notch) the ends of the small
    you can do the same thing by making a surface on the big tube and using it
    to do a similar cut.

    As far making the holes in the big tube, more info is needed. Will the
    holes be made with a drill type of process (hole ID concentric to small
    tube) or will the cuts be done with a laser or saw? In the latter case, you
    may need to deal with wall thickness.

    Also, depends what you mean by "automatic".

    bill allemann, Jan 10, 2008
  5. Haude Daniel

    iQ Guest

    I have done in past years a vacuum chamber with dished heads that had
    multiple ports that were focused on a point or points inside of the
    chamber. Of course these were all water-cooled so the pass-through
    hole had to pass thru multiple layers. We used a long tube, one end
    mated to the focus point and the other end would float so we could add
    all of the required tube pass thru's and make room for all of them on
    the dished head of the chamber. Once we got them properly placed, we
    would cope them to the interior leaving enough extension for a fillet
    weld. Then we had to cut holes manually.
    In SWx 2005 you are limited to this kind of manual processes.
    In current versions, you can make library parts that have a feature
    that can do this cut at the same time. Weldments may also be better
    suited for this purpose. You may still have to cope pipe pass-thru's
    so it is symmetrical to the interior of the chamber, or not depending
    on your application. iQ
    iQ, Jan 10, 2008
  6. Haude Daniel

    TOP Guest

    I was able to do this in 2004.

    In the assembly of your tubes with the main tube initially placed:

    1. Create a 3D sketch as a skeleton to orient the intersecting tubes.
    2. Mate the intersecting tubes concentric to the 3D sketch.
    3. Create an offset surface from the inner or outer wall of the main
    tube to delineate the surface to which you want to trim the
    intersecting tubes and hide it.
    4. Edit in place the main tube.
    5. Using the TOOLS/SKETCH TOOLS/INTERSECTION CURVE command pick the
    outer surface of the main tube and the outer surface of an
    intersecting tube while holding down CTRL. This will create a 3D
    sketch curve at the intersection.
    6. Ditto using the inner surface of the main tube and the outer
    surface of the same interecting tube.
    7. Pick the two 3D sketches and use the INSERT/LOFTED CUT command to
    punch a hole in the main tube.
    8. Repeat 5-7 for each intersecting tube.
    9. Edit in place an intersecting tube.
    10. Offset the surface created in 3 by zero.
    11. Pick the offset surface and INSERT/CUT/SURFACE trimming the tube.
    11. Repeat 9-11 for each intersecting tube.
    12. Lock external references for each tube cut in the previous steps.

    TOP, Jan 14, 2008
  7. Haude Daniel

    Haude Daniel Guest

    Yeah, this is a vacuum chamber, too (though not a water-cooled

    But I've now got the knack:

    1. In assembly, make a (possibly 3D) sketch with a line that
    goes from focus point to flange plane

    2. Bring in flange part and mate with sketch line/endpoint

    3. Edit part "Main tube", insert sketch on flange weldment plane

    4. Draw 2 circles coradial with the inner and outer
    perimeter of the annular tube mating surface of the flange part

    5. Extrude sketch "up to next" (this makes a stub attached to
    the main tube)

    6. In the chamber part, insert sketch on end face of
    just-created stub, draw circle coradial with inner diameter

    7. Make an extruded cut with this sketch, "Up to next".

    Sounds complicated but just takes about one minute per
    flange. What's important is that the position and orientation of
    the flange are entirely defined in step 1.

    Thanks evberybody for your replies!

    Haude Daniel, Jan 14, 2008
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