designing a mag-lev conveyor belt

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by hala, Sep 17, 2003.

  1. hala

    hala Guest

    I am a grad student in ag engineering and I have to take a Capstone design
    class (because my background is in science). Anyway, I am looking to for a
    team (grad students or very serious undergrad) to design a mag-lev conveyor
    belt for a composting facility. I am close to getting an electrical
    engineer to join, and it would be great to add a mechanical engineer to our
    team. In this type of class the industry asks for a solution to a problem
    they have, and carry the costs of the designed solution. If they like it
    they might execute it. Among others a composting facility asked for a
    conveyor (not particularly mag-lev), and once I read about the mag lev
    conveyor ( it looked like a great way to
    cut costs and simplify transport.

    If you know of a student who might be interested, or a more apporpriate
    place to post this, let me know.
    hala, Sep 17, 2003
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