Designer/machinist needed Greensboro, North Carolina

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by MarshallE, Nov 20, 2004.

  1. MarshallE

    Cliff Guest

    Sort of like an IQ test for wingers.
    Or a sobriety test needed to start your car. Watch the pretty
    lights, push the pretty buttons .... to complicated, right?
    Sort of like all the false positives for a drug test, right?
    Better than any such test I'm certain, right?
    Just stand there like a cop. Lie.
    And this has what to do with your impaired judgements?
    So you don't really care about impaired ...... just your religion
    being forced on others .......

    A test for "impaired" would be rather simple but probably
    weed out lots of fundies & wingers due to their impaired

    See how simple this test was?
    Cliff, Nov 23, 2004
  2. MarshallE

    Cliff Guest

    Why aren't you posting to a plumbing group then?
    Winger's Disease?

    What's wrong with being an honest plumber?
    Cliff, Nov 23, 2004
  3. The example I've seen tests motor and cognitive ability, and would run on a
    laptop and maybe even the better PDAs. It only takes a few minutes,
    certainly much less than a drug test, and gives instant results. It does
    not distinguish between various causes of impairment, such as drugs v.
    simple fatigue. It's cheap, reliable and non-invasive, too.

    So, naturally, there's no market for it. Much better to get the guy who
    smoked a joint 2 weeks ago and let your hung-over, over tired or caffeine
    addled employees keep operating that heavy equipment, right? Government
    regulation of worker's compensation insurance and employer liability very
    frequently offer employers financial incentives for drug testing programs,
    only. In FL, I think it's a 5% discount on worker's comp rates.

    Research shows that cops overestimate their ability to detect alcohol or
    drug impairment, more so for the latter, less so for the former.

    Jeffrey McCann, Nov 23, 2004
  4. MarshallE

    North Guest

    I'm all for this sort of test.

    After all how many pot smokers (non-alcoholic) do you know who beat
    their wives and abuse their kids ? I dont know any nor have I
    personally heard of any potheads who do. However I know many drunks
    who do and have heard my share of other horror stories involving
    North, Nov 24, 2004
  5. MarshallE

    philb Guest

    I used to work with a guy who had a serious drug problem. You could
    tell the days when he WASN'T high, he pulled his hat down low, and
    wore sunglasses to keep the ceiling lights from blinding him.
    One Monday he didn't show up. About 10am the OWNER left to go bail him
    out of jail so he could drive the fork truck around, unload trucks,
    move material and chip drums.
    He had been busted late the night before, driving after burning crack
    cocaine and heroin all weekend.
    philb, Nov 24, 2004
  6. MarshallE

    Laz Guest

    A buddy pissed off a cop one night. Hed had NOTHING to drink. When
    Fking cops are dangerous criminals with guns. They lie, they steal,
    they cheat and they sit around complaining they're not "compensated"
    enough. When you drive by a parking lot at night here you'll see two
    cop cars 69-ing and hours later you drive by again and the 2 cars are
    still there.
    Laz, Nov 24, 2004
  7. MarshallE

    Gunner Guest

    Actually..most of them are not. However it takes only a few bad actors
    to give them a really bad name.


    "If I'm going to reach out to the the Democrats then I need a third
    hand.There's no way I'm letting go of my wallet or my gun while they're

    "Democrat. In the dictionary it's right after demobilize and right
    before demode` (out of fashion).
    -Buddy Jordan 2001
    Gunner, Nov 24, 2004
  8. MarshallE

    Gunner Guest

    Making it. I could use a bit more work..shrug..but Im almost covering

    The ticker is holding out fine and dandy now that Im buying most of my
    meds. Two of them are still too expensive..shrug.

    I saw that you bailed on the gear shop. Not knowing the details I
    witheld comment. But I think you did the right thing. You do what
    you do damned well and are extremely well thought of by your clients.
    I suspect we share a few as some of mine know you, or of you.

    Thanks for asking.
    Hope you have a marvelous Thanksgiving.


    "If I'm going to reach out to the the Democrats then I need a third
    hand.There's no way I'm letting go of my wallet or my gun while they're

    "Democrat. In the dictionary it's right after demobilize and right
    before demode` (out of fashion).
    -Buddy Jordan 2001
    Gunner, Nov 24, 2004
  9. MarshallE

    Cliff Guest

    And which drugs make you nutz? The natural ones?
    Sounds like we need to ban exercise & guns .... nasty
    things, endorphines.
    Cliff, Nov 24, 2004
  10. MarshallE

    Cliff Guest

    All that would be needed would be an entry system, probably.
    Solve the logic & hand-eye coordination problem (a new one
    each day) and the door opens.

    Sadly, most fundies & wingers would fail ...... but we could
    use the same test for voting ......
    Cliff, Nov 24, 2004
  11. MarshallE

    Cliff Guest

    You could be arrested on suspicion after exiting someplace
    that serves alcohol. This is in fact often done.
    Wait a few hours with 4 recent drinks on top of the food ....
    then get tested .... probably you would *then* fail.

    In any case, they would poke you, perhaps keep your DNA
    in their new police, FBI & anyone else's database,
    and THEN BILL YOU. For the impound too.

    Cliff, Nov 24, 2004
  12. MarshallE

    Cliff Guest

    They probably want to get out of the way.
    Feel free to stand there though.
    Cliff, Nov 24, 2004
  13. MarshallE

    Cliff Guest

    Actually, I'd not yet read this subthread <G>.

    Give Gunner the old rock. Saves me the trouble.
    One of these days he might actually get something right.
    We can hope, anyway.
    Cliff, Nov 24, 2004
  14. MarshallE

    Gunner Guest

    Of course not. There are lots of weekend recreational uses. None of
    them will be working for me however.
    Of course not.


    "If I'm going to reach out to the the Democrats then I need a third
    hand.There's no way I'm letting go of my wallet or my gun while they're

    "Democrat. In the dictionary it's right after demobilize and right
    before demode` (out of fashion).
    -Buddy Jordan 2001
    Gunner, Nov 24, 2004
  15. MarshallE

    DW Guest

    And one of these days, YOU might actually directly answer a question asked
    of you.....

    ....nahhh...wishful thinking.

    - DW
    DW, Nov 24, 2004
  16. MarshallE

    Black Dragon Guest

    According to your headers, you're using Xnews. See the scoring.txt file
    in the Xnews root directory, it'll show you how to score by subject. A
    score of -9999 is a kill.

    Black Dragon, Nov 24, 2004
  17. MarshallE

    Black Dragon Guest

    I don't know how to configure Outlook Express's filters because I've
    never used Outlook Express, nor will I ever. Sorry. :-( You need to
    consult somebody who knows that software.
    Black Dragon, Nov 24, 2004
  18. MarshallE

    tony kujawa Guest

    You really are a dolt aren't you?
    tony kujawa, Nov 24, 2004
  19. That's near our old friend jb's last known,right?
    Go for it <G>.
    Cliff Huprich, Nov 24, 2004
  20. Safford? I've actually been there. ;-)

    Best regards,
    Spehro Pefhany
    Spehro Pefhany, Nov 24, 2004
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