Designer/machinist needed Greensboro, North Carolina

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by MarshallE, Nov 20, 2004.

  1. MarshallE

    Gunner Guest

    Exactly. While a field test gives the officer probable cause to arrest
    you for suspicion of being under the influence, when you are booked,
    you will be tested by machine or blood test. (I strongly suggest you
    ask for the blood test btw..far less likelyhood of error or the
    officer "adjusting" the BA to put you over the legal limit)

    A buddy pissed off a cop one night. Hed had NOTHING to drink. When
    arrested, the officer claimed he had a BA of .09, which put him into
    the intoxicated catagory.

    Friend demanded a blood test and was refused. So immediately upon his
    6 hour hold release, he went to a hospital, and had himself blood

    When going to court, he was able to demonstrate to the judge that
    there were Zero amounts of alcohol in his blood stream. Then he
    pressed charges against the arresting officer and the department. He
    won of course and paid off his mortgage, and bought a nice little
    house and some acreage 200 miles away and lives a life of quiet


    "If I'm going to reach out to the the Democrats then I need a third
    hand.There's no way I'm letting go of my wallet or my gun while they're

    "Democrat. In the dictionary it's right after demobilize and right
    before demode` (out of fashion).
    -Buddy Jordan 2001
    Gunner, Nov 23, 2004
  2. MarshallE

    Gunner Guest

    oh oh..obvious sign of over usage of methamphetamine or withdrawal
    from opiates or long term usage of alcohol.

    Lets stand him on the side of a dark road then shine a Streamlight
    into his eyes...Geeze... pin points..ayup....a meth user for sure...



    "If I'm going to reach out to the the Democrats then I need a third
    hand.There's no way I'm letting go of my wallet or my gun while they're

    "Democrat. In the dictionary it's right after demobilize and right
    before demode` (out of fashion).
    -Buddy Jordan 2001
    Gunner, Nov 23, 2004
  3. Sounds like a fucking Liberal that was simply taking advantage of the

    Are you sure he should still be your friend ???
    PrecisionMachinisT, Nov 23, 2004
  4. MarshallE

    Gunner Guest

    How so? When falsely arrested, one should make every attempt to make
    sure it never happens again, and to leave very clear message to the
    agency involved that they did a very Bad Thing © and that the officer
    involved gets his ass nailed soundly and properly.

    The reason Im a Former police officer, is that I saw way too much of
    this sort of thing, and simply would not be a part of it.

    But were simply trolling, right?


    "If I'm going to reach out to the the Democrats then I need a third
    hand.There's no way I'm letting go of my wallet or my gun while they're

    "Democrat. In the dictionary it's right after demobilize and right
    before demode` (out of fashion).
    -Buddy Jordan 2001
    Gunner, Nov 23, 2004
  5. MarshallE

    Ecnerwal Guest

    And you should not be operating equipment which can endanger other
    people's lives, since you're not actually functioning. I really don't
    give a crap if the pilot of my flight is drunk, sleep deprived, sick,
    taking prescription drugs legally, taking prescription drugs illegally,
    or taking illegal drugs. If he shows up to work and cannot function, I
    want him grounded beforehand.
    Ecnerwal, Nov 23, 2004
  6. MarshallE

    Ecnerwal Guest

    And now gunner says:
    So first you say they don't, and now you say they do. Flip-flopper.
    And then you start lying about the cost, time, complexity; and you
    previously lied about worker acceptance - most places that use such
    tests report that workers are far happier knowing that everyone around
    them has had to take exactly the same test they did to get onto the job
    site, and is functional _today_. The cost of a machine or set of
    machines (bought once) to test every worker every day is diddly compared
    to the cost (every single test) to "randomly" collect piddle. Most
    require nobody to operate them but the worker, and take only a minute or
    so. The information is freely available on the web.
    As I've said, I really don't care what you're on, or if you're on
    nothing at all - the _impairment_ test has no need to determine that. If
    the test shows that you are _impaired_, you can either get fired on the
    spot, or take a sick day and go get any number of tests to show exactly
    what you are or are not on when you fail the test. And you _don't_ get
    to go to work while you are a danger to others, regardless of whether
    you are a danger to others because you didn't sleep last night, or you
    got drunk last night, or you got drunk this morning, or you have a legal
    prescription for oxycontin, or you had your maid get you oxycontin
    illegally. I really don't feel a bit better about getting killed by some
    guy who's "just sleep deprived" or "just drunk" or "just has an ear
    infection" than I do about getting killed my some guy who's "stoned".

    Personally, I stick to caffeine, theobromine, and a very small amount of
    ethanol in the appropriate time relationship to working. But that does
    not mean I have any interest in working at places which are more
    interested in "reefer madness" than they are in "worker safety".
    Ecnerwal, Nov 23, 2004
  7. I had to dig deeeeep into the archives for this one...

    I highly recommend you guys download these and give them a listen.

    The first part mainly centers around thought reading technology, so you
    guys can ignore it if you want. I scanned yours and there really isn't
    anything to write home about (I'm joking!).

    The second and third parts have some unique view points that may
    educate? You really have to listen to the whole thing to get the proper
    context for the points they make.

    It's very eirie how some of the callers talk about things that are in this

    If you're too lazy to listen, have one of your friends do it. See what they
    think. I've never heard anyone talk like this before.

    Mike Wilson
    Mike J. Wilson, Nov 23, 2004
  8. MarshallE

    Black Dragon Guest

    Kill filing everything cross posted to 'misc.survivalism' will get rid of
    a substantial portion of the inane drivel.
    Black Dragon, Nov 23, 2004
  9. Hi, Bill.

    Actually, I dont drink anywhere near as much as I used to either.
    PrecisionMachinisT, Nov 23, 2004
  10. Thats what I keep the wife around for.........
    PrecisionMachinisT, Nov 23, 2004
  11. MarshallE

    Gunner Guest

    Chuckle..we are talking about different tests. Your claim that cheap
    easily operated tests exist that can test for everything. They dont.
    It takes a work up in a lab to catch everything.
    Mass spectrographs are easy to use and cheap? Interesting.
    Btw..I notice your repeated use of the term "liar". Live in
    California? Want to go dancing in your parking lot? Keep using it.
    Ill give you the option of open hand, cold steel or blued steel.
    Thats something I dont much care for, nor do you see me using the
    term. Honor is more than just a buzzword with me. Just a heads up.
    For some reason you seem to think that I am not in favor of piss
    testing???? I was the person that originally agreed with it and
    stated my reasons why. If we are in agreement that its a good thing,
    then why are you bitching?
    Shrug...sounds to me like you are mixed up. You are all in favor of
    some kind of testing from the 2nd paragraph up...yet you are against
    effective testing.

    I do wish you would make up your mind.


    "If I'm going to reach out to the the Democrats then I need a third
    hand.There's no way I'm letting go of my wallet or my gun while they're

    "Democrat. In the dictionary it's right after demobilize and right
    before demode` (out of fashion).
    -Buddy Jordan 2001
    Gunner, Nov 23, 2004
  12. MarshallE

    Black Dragon Guest

    That's alt.machines.cnc, and yes, off topic x-posted nonsense from
    misc.survivalism (political extremists, gun nuts, assorted whackjobs, etc)
    has been plaguing that group for *years*. I deal with it by kill filing it.
    Others choose to add to the noise by replying to the tripe with even more
    tripe, which is THE root of the problem.

    Ignore it, and it will eventually go away. That's what kill filters were
    created for. Use them.

    Contribute to it, and you will draw even more of it in, for sure.
    Black Dragon, Nov 23, 2004
  13. Also, signs of early Parkinson's Disease, particularly the tremblying
    when relaxed and straight, steady, confident strokes when doing

    Also note that many other Parkinson symptoms could lead an
    inadequately trained field officer into a serious mistake...due to the
    Ataxia and resultant staggering gait plus a total inability to walk
    'Heel to Toe.'

    Fortunately a hospital blood test will quickly clear up the situation,
    but by that time you have already been handcuffed and your car towed
    away! The next step is, of course, to call your lawyer and sue (after
    getting your car returned).

    If you have been heavily drinking and also suffer from Parkinson's
    Disease, that's another issue and you deserve what is coming to you.
    (Before jumping to the conclusion that Parkinisons is a geriatric
    disorder, recall that both Michael J. Fox and Janet Reno suffer from
    it, plus many others who conceal the fact.)

    Harry C.
    Harry Conover, Nov 23, 2004
  14. MarshallE

    DW Guest

    Sure glad you ain't still on the force....ya got it bass-ackwards. Should
    be: ...big as saucers, slow response to light...a meth user for
    sure...(well, dunno 'bout "for sure"). Pinpoint pupils would indicate
    possible depressant intox.
    Chuckle indeed.


    - DW
    DW, Nov 23, 2004
  15. MarshallE

    Gunner Guest

    Endorphines. The brains answer to super heroin.



    "If I'm going to reach out to the the Democrats then I need a third
    hand.There's no way I'm letting go of my wallet or my gun while they're

    "Democrat. In the dictionary it's right after demobilize and right
    before demode` (out of fashion).
    -Buddy Jordan 2001
    Gunner, Nov 23, 2004
  16. MarshallE

    Gunner Guest

    Big Gold Star!

    And Parkinsons does NOT impare ones ability to perform their job
    fucntion for most trades. Brain surgeon or diamond cutter......


    "If I'm going to reach out to the the Democrats then I need a third
    hand.There's no way I'm letting go of my wallet or my gun while they're

    "Democrat. In the dictionary it's right after demobilize and right
    before demode` (out of fashion).
    -Buddy Jordan 2001
    Gunner, Nov 23, 2004
  17. MarshallE

    Gunner Guest

    I see you have never done a roadside sobriety test. Virtually every
    subject will stare at on coming headlights, which will pinpoint
    pupils. Hence the need to be sure your subject is facing away from the
    traffic stream and the eyes have a chance to open.

    Details, details details <G>


    "If I'm going to reach out to the the Democrats then I need a third
    hand.There's no way I'm letting go of my wallet or my gun while they're

    "Democrat. In the dictionary it's right after demobilize and right
    before demode` (out of fashion).
    -Buddy Jordan 2001
    Gunner, Nov 23, 2004
  18. MarshallE

    DW Guest

    The way you state it implies that meth users will_immediately_have pinpoint
    pupils, when in fact, it's the reaction time that's the indicator.
    No, accuracy, accuracy, accuracy. If you'd said "slow reaction to
    light...ayup...", etc., I'd have no issue.

    - DW
    DW, Nov 23, 2004
  19. I missed the staff meeting but the minutes show Gunner

    We're told we need to get our pulse rate up and the blood flowing for
    twenty minutes. That's why I start the day with a cigarettes and a cup of

    There is something else which does the same, but this is a family
    Oooh, yessss.
    pyotr filipivich, Nov 23, 2004
  20. MarshallE

    Robin S. Guest

    But that's the issue that Gunner is failing to recognise (or acknowledge).

    Just because someone has been using a substance doesn't mean they use it in
    a chronic fashion or are addicted.

    Lots of people drink - doesn't mean they're alcoholics.


    Robin S., Nov 23, 2004
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