Designer/machinist needed Greensboro, North Carolina

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by MarshallE, Nov 20, 2004.

  1. MarshallE

    Cliff Guest

    What does, beyond government handouts? And those cost donations
    to the Republcan Party (in the US).
    Cliff, Nov 22, 2004
  2. MarshallE

    Cliff Guest

    But the "Patriot Act" is the best thing your beloved neocons
    ever did, right?
    What "church" must folks belong to?
    Cliff, Nov 22, 2004
  3. MarshallE

    Cliff Guest

    You have a problem again, Gummer.
    It's my understanding that such tests indicate *use*, perhaps
    even days or weeks ago, not "impaired".
    A test for "impaired" would be rather simple but probably
    weed out lots of fundies & wingers due to their impaired

    Any test for "use" would seem to be an effort to force
    "moral" judgements on others and rarely a test for
    Many are also handicapped. Would they also be weeded out
    as "impaired"?
    Cliff, Nov 22, 2004
  4. MarshallE

    Ecnerwal Guest

    Gunner Lied:

    Bullshit, Gunner. Such tests _already_ exist. Typically somewhat like a
    video game, doing reaction-time testing, and perhaps other things
    depending on the nature of the job. Not able to do the task in the test,
    not allowed to operate the train, press, plane, whatever. Perhaps even
    get the breathalyzer, piss, blood, and/or other test - for cause -
    unless you want to be fired.

    Of course, actual safety (even from people impaired on legal drugs) does
    not fit with the actual agenda of the people who prefer expensive piss
    testing to get rid of all those employees who eat poppyseed bagels, who
    show up as heroin addicts on the cheesy tests.
    Ecnerwal, Nov 22, 2004
  5. MarshallE

    North Guest

    Bullshit, there is to a test to see if one is impared or not. I forget
    what the cops call it, but they do it everytime the think some one is
    fucked up behind the wheel. Oh yeah....It's call the sobrity test, you
    know walk the line put your finger on your nose that sort of
    thing....It is not just for testing drunks. Many pill poppers
    potheads, and even folks who took "cold medicine" have been handed
    DUI's for failing the test.

    You can tell if some one is "geeking" on coke or crank just by
    watching them for ten mins. or so. (I'm sure you know what I mean.)

    <cliff snipped>

    North, Nov 22, 2004
  6. I'm in So Cal. and it's pretty much the norm out here.

    Malcolm_Tempt, Nov 23, 2004
  7. I work for a medical device company.
    If you were in need of one of our device sets would you want a fucked up tweaker doing the design/manufacture or
    assembly of that device?

    Malcolm_Tempt, Nov 23, 2004
  8. MarshallE

    MarshallE Guest

    It is amazing to me that I have had very resumes for this job. I guess the
    people that are qualified are very satisfied. Perhaps another way to say it

    If you earn less than $20 per hour and believe that you are qualified then
    you should send a resume right now!
    If you earn less than $30 per hour and you are qualified then I suggest that
    you send your resume and current pay history for review.
    If you earn more than $30 per hour and you believe that you are over
    qualified...then send your resume...etc.

    If you would fail a drug test then do not apply.....<sorry...could not help

    Ok...back to the other posters about drugs..etc.. <smile>


    MarshallE, Nov 23, 2004
  9. MarshallE

    Gunner Guest

    Yes such tests do exist. They are expensive, time consuming and a
    number of them involve equipment that requires a lab tech to operate.

    And they are often wrong.
    Im an ex cop. I can "usually" tell if someone is on drugs and can
    often times tell you which one. Now to prove that to the courts or to
    the labor board will require at the minimum, a blood or piss test and
    a certified analysis from a certified lab.

    Please point out which common field test, other than the breathyliser
    will point out not only how much drugs by percentage are in your
    system, but which drug, and wether or not you are impaired or not.

    Even the breath test will not point out if you are impaired, only how
    much blood alcohol you have in your system. Those numbers are based on
    Averages, to determine amount of impairment.

    I know a tile setter that will generally blow a .16 (twice the legal
    limit) and still does beautiful work, and you cannot tell he is drunk.
    At the same time I know a young girl who can blow a .05 and be falling
    And those who eat poppy seed bagles simply ask that a further test be
    done, and the results will clear them of opiate useage.

    Dont know much about the subject, do you....?


    "If I'm going to reach out to the the Democrats then I need a third
    hand.There's no way I'm letting go of my wallet or my gun while they're

    "Democrat. In the dictionary it's right after demobilize and right
    before demode` (out of fashion).
    -Buddy Jordan 2001
    Gunner, Nov 23, 2004
  10. MarshallE

    Gunner Guest

    Yes indeed. However if you have an inner ear infection, you will often
    fail the field sobriety test. God knows I conducted enough of them.

    If you have any number of neurological diseases, you will also fail,
    and will in many cases appear to be groked.

    Only blood or piss testing can be used to make the case of consumption
    and imparement, and only then based on human averages.


    "If I'm going to reach out to the the Democrats then I need a third
    hand.There's no way I'm letting go of my wallet or my gun while they're

    "Democrat. In the dictionary it's right after demobilize and right
    before demode` (out of fashion).
    -Buddy Jordan 2001
    Gunner, Nov 23, 2004
  11. MarshallE

    Robin S. Guest

    The case for consumption has been made. You have yet to convince anyone of

    Do you see what I'm getting at, or are we on different pages?


    Robin S., Nov 23, 2004
  12. MarshallE

    Robin S. Guest

    I think you're being facetious but seriously, what constitutes a fail?

    I'm asking because drug laws in Canada are *different* than those in the US,


    Robin S., Nov 23, 2004
  13. MarshallE

    North Guest

    Agreed however the piss test should only be used after one fails the
    sobrity test, my opinion of course.

    But I must admitt that I drug test my employees, but my workmans
    policy states that I have to.

    I use the piss test as part of the job appication, as required under
    my insurance policy. After that there are no further drug tests unless
    there is an on the job injury. The injured employee is drug tested as
    required under my insurance policy.

    This requirment is clearly spelled out on my job apps.

    If I do not drug test (and I only do the minimume testing required) my
    workmans comp insurance rates are anywhere from 30 to 300 % higher.

    WV and VA law lets workman comp off the hook in the injured employee
    was under the influence during the injury and/or if the intoxication
    caused the injury. And I agree with this policy. Party all you
    want--on your own time just come to work sober.

    Druggies, and drunks in my business usually do something (sober) in
    short order to get themselves fired, such as showing up late or not
    showing up at all, ripping off the company, Or they do sloppy
    hafe-ass work which gets them fired.

    The two truck drivers on my payroll (Actual emplyees not subs),
    (tractor trailer drivers for transporting the dozer and backhoe) are
    drug tested by DOT not me.

    Sub-contrators that I hire are exempt because I do not have to cover
    them on MY workmans comp policy.

    North, Nov 23, 2004
  14. MarshallE

    North Guest

    Under my insurance poilcy, all positives must be sent to a lab for
    North, Nov 23, 2004
  15. I missed the staff meeting but the minutes show Gunner
    Anyone who has "detox" experience can tell stories of the guy who come
    in, nice suit, clear speech, and has a BAC "enough to stun an Elephant."

    I have heard that "evidence" is piling up that, yes, some people can
    handle their booze better than others, and it isn't just a matter of body
    weight. All I know is that I am not one of them. (Make me a cheap date.)
    I learned the hard way, trying to keep up with two guys who's livers were
    in shape from regular workouts.

    pyotr filipivich, Nov 23, 2004
  16. I missed the staff meeting but the minutes show Gunner
    Field test are good for "field test" to check impartment. They are
    also based on "rules of thumb" and the center of the bell curve. Outlier,
    like those with various medical conditions, don't match up with the
    expectations. Had a friend in college, an artist. Really quite good,
    (save he was colorblind, tended to draw grass using an orange pencil), but
    he had a constant tremor in his hands. How he could draw a straight line
    I've no idea, but the rest of the time he trembled like he'd had a couple
    pots of coffee too much.
    pyotr filipivich, Nov 23, 2004
  17. I missed the staff meeting but the minutes show Gunner
    Theres a local plumbing company which advertises on the radio "we'll
    seen a trained experience, drug free employee" to your location If you
    want to work for such a company, give us a call, otherwise, go work for
    someone else.

    On the one hand, I don't like mandatory drug testing, as I don't do
    drugs. OTOH, it does mean I'm working with other people similarly

    pyotr filipivich, Nov 23, 2004
  18. You are generally impaired for weeks if not months, and sometimes years
    after smoking pot heavily for any extended length of time.

    The impairment is purely psycological, but it feels real just the

    The first thing a heavy pot smoker wants when he has run out is to have more
    pot, and the object of getting another stash will usually take pretty close
    to top priority and consume most of his time and depending on his station in
    life, financial resources.

    And he is busy in the back of his mind, often conniving those around him as
    it is a very central part of his life.

    Dont fool yourself, think about how irratible you get once youve run out,
    and the priority you then place upon getting more.......

    Ever missed dinner at mom's place cause you was busy trying to find some
    weed--and if so, what excuse did ya give her ???

    I spent 30 years inna daze from that shit, and I'm still not quite sure why
    I gave it all up about five years ago, after quitting off and on several
    times....I just know its very unlikely Im never gonna get stoned on pot


    But I'll tell you one thing, just give it up for two weeks and see then how
    you feel about things and life in general.......your just looking at the
    world through rose colored glasses if you cant at least do that much.

    The craving passes quickly, but unfortunately, life still sucks--and perhaps
    even more so, I dunno and simply dont care anymore...........I'm not going
    back there no way no how.
    PrecisionMachinisT, Nov 23, 2004
  19. MarshallE

    Gunner Guest

    Budda bing. Exactly.

    There are a number of legal drugs, and natural substances that will
    give false positives, but are easily determined in a lab, using gas
    spectroanylasis. Not something the safety manager is likely to have
    in his office.


    "If I'm going to reach out to the the Democrats then I need a third
    hand.There's no way I'm letting go of my wallet or my gun while they're

    "Democrat. In the dictionary it's right after demobilize and right
    before demode` (out of fashion).
    -Buddy Jordan 2001
    Gunner, Nov 23, 2004
  20. MarshallE

    Gunner Guest

    "If I'm going to reach out to the the Democrats then I need a third
    hand.There's no way I'm letting go of my wallet or my gun while they're

    "Democrat. In the dictionary it's right after demobilize and right
    before demode` (out of fashion).
    -Buddy Jordan 2001
    Gunner, Nov 23, 2004
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