Designer/machinist needed Greensboro, North Carolina

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by MarshallE, Nov 20, 2004.

  1. MarshallE

    MarshallE Guest

    We are searching for the right team player that can assist us with general
    and CNC machining of plastics and metal. In addition we need 3-d skills
    using Solidworks for creating part drawings and mold drawings. Check out
    the requirements below and if you understand most then give us a call or
    email your resume and rate of pay. We are trying to find the right person
    who likes to build what they design and understands that you have to be good
    and reasonably fast. This position has great advancement opportunity for
    the right person. You will be helping to build custom extrusion tooling,
    injection molds for plastics, inline and offline punch tooling, cnc
    production machining of plastics set-up and on and on. So, if you like
    variety and are good at what you do and understand team concepts then we may
    be the company you have been looking to find for years. We are a growing
    company. We drug test and do criminal background tests. We demand respect
    and we offer respect and try to maintain a very level friendly atmoshere
    that permits excellence at all levels. You can call Marshall Eakes
    336-274-1131 x 205 or email: Our websites are and

    Need most of the following skills---

    Good hands on moldmaking skills with tight tolerance.
    CAD drawing using Solidworks for 3D models.
    Virtual Gibbs for 3D CNC code generation. (or mastercam..etc)
    BOBCAD for 2D CAD and some CNC code.
    Excellent chip cutting skills with Vertical Mills and Lathe
    4 axis Wire EDM operation and programming (desireable but we will train for
    wire edm if needed)
    Excellent work ethics, attendance, etc.

    Please reply to us and not to newsgroups.

    Thanks for your time,

    MarshallE, Nov 20, 2004
  2. MarshallE

    Robin S. Guest

    Is this common?


    Robin S., Nov 21, 2004
  3. MarshallE

    Michael Guest

    Drug testing is very common here. Large firms certainly do Drug
    Testing. A Drug Free Workplace environment is now common in my area with
    shops employing 20 and even fewer employees.
    I completely support Drug Screening and Drug Testing of employees.


    Michael Gailey
    Artistic CNC Mill, Router and Engraver Programming
    3D modeling for Product Design and Development
    Michael, Nov 21, 2004
  4. Cool.. nice to see some more $30 an hour paying jobs...

    Mike In Santa Cruz, Nov 21, 2004
  5. MarshallE

    Robin S. Guest

    Doesn't that scream, "big brother"?


    Robin S., Nov 21, 2004
  6. MarshallE

    Mitch Guest

    You mean, louder than the recent election results?

    It's all in line with the current political philosophy. Which most
    Americans seem to want, actually. If you consider 51% most....

    Mitch, Nov 21, 2004
  7. MarshallE

    Gunner Guest

    It screams "I dont have to have druggies working for me"


    Come shed a tear for Michael Moore-
    Though he smirked and lied like a two-bit whore
    George Bush has just won another four.
    Poor, sad little Michael Moore

    Gunner, Nov 21, 2004
  8. MarshallE

    Michael Guest

    It says that we don't want druggies in our place of business. If that
    offends someone, then we have the right plan in place.


    Michael Gailey
    Artistic CNC Mill, Router and Engraver Programming
    3D modeling for Product Design and Development
    Michael, Nov 21, 2004
  9. Corporations big and small today are finding out that what's best to create this
    friendly atmosphere as you call it, what has to happen to create excellence in a
    workforce, is a kind of culture needs to be formed in small groups, perhaps
    a payed consultant on Friday's whom comes in to enhance personal well being
    by way of Meditation, Yoga, Tea or Therapeutic drugs.

    Compare these trends coming in corporate culture today to that of culture in
    the 1960's. Meditation, Yoga, and Psychedelic drugs. When the wheel goes around
    it comes around, lava lamps, insense, and Psychedelic lights.

    Marshal do you have plans to implement any of these services ?

    John Scheldroup, Nov 21, 2004
  10. Obviously.

    Big Brother would rather see people damaging their brains
    (and of course their children's brains) using 'prescribed' drugs.

    You combine that with people who like to drink and you'll have
    yourself a hell of a work environment. I've seen so much of
    that it's not funny.

    There's just no such thing as a "drug free workplace".

    The reactions you are seeing are typical...

    "If you don't give your child psychotropic drugs, it's child

    "If you think drug screens are a violation of your privacy,
    freedoms bla bla... you must be a druggy".

    "If you don't want to have a GPS tracking device in your car
    (a new law trying to pass in California) you must be a criminal".

    I've worked for coke addicts at companies that do "drug screens".
    I've had bosses drink and take out their problems on me.

    Give me a break.

    Anyhoo, the next phase of freedom violations is to do forced
    mental-health screening, which is already underway in cities
    like Chicago.

    Some day, in the not to distant future, this subject will come
    up again and we'll be hearing people say "Oh, yeah... forced
    mental-health screens are good for us!", to which I will ramble
    on about mandatory microchip implants for employment...

    Then later it will be "Oh sure, local prison camps are what we
    need to keep those terrorists from harming us". I'll be one of
    the first people thrown in just for writing this post.

    It's only going to get worse Robin. Kudos to you for having the
    courage to question policies.

    Now if you'll excuse me, I need to finish my concept sketches
    for the "Amero" Coin Design Contest.

    Your not allowed to have any US presidents on them, because the
    new currency will represent Canada, Mexico, Brazil etc. I'll just
    put lots of stars on em. Everyone likes stars!

    Mike Wilson
    Mike J. Wilson, Nov 21, 2004
  11. MarshallE

    MarshallE Guest


    It is really interesting to see how responses can vary. A few remind me of
    people that I have worked with before....they spend many hours per week "at
    work" debating topics that have very little to do with their work and then
    complain that they need more help in order to get their job done. I tried
    to describe the ideal candidate for the job that we are currently hiring
    for. Someone mentioned big brother...perhaps that is a good example used a
    different way as we are looking for someone that can assist and help us to
    grow thereby creating opportunities for both.......big brother.

    If interested, please reply to my email address with your resume and salary

    We are a small company by some standards and larger by others. We fit in
    the less than 5 million in sales with total employees averaging around 20.
    Our extrusion and molding operates 24 hours per day 5 days per week.

    In the past we believed that the correct approach was to have a "college
    degree mechanical engineer/designer" and an excellent
    "machinist/mold-maker". It may still be a good approach for some but we
    would like to locate the individual that enjoys designing and building. On
    a corporate level we believe that total cost will be less and job enjoyment
    will be a win/win. Our goal is to be highly competitive and profitable and
    the methods used several years ago don't seem to work in today's workplace.

    Rate of pay depends upon so many variables. I believe that we are
    competitive to start and then rise above market as we find the right
    choices. With each time we hire our goal is to trade up....not down...not
    sideways. We have not spent much time looking on a local basis as we have
    had success using newsgroups.

    If you feel that you are not the correct candidate but know some who is then
    please share with them our contact information.

    You can call Marshall Eakes 336-274-1131 x 205 or email:
    Our websites are and We are located in Greensboro,
    North Carolina.

    Best Wishes and thanks,

    MarshallE, Nov 21, 2004
  12. MarshallE

    Robin S. Guest


    I thought we'd be able to agree on this subject.

    What do you consider a drug? I don't think we'd have any apprentices at work
    (there are more than a dozen) if marijuana was an issue.

    As I said before, coming to work drunk or high will get you fired or worse.
    What more do you need?


    Robin S., Nov 21, 2004
  13. MarshallE

    Gunner Guest

    Any substance that effects your judgement or common sense while on the
    job, is a substance that robs the employer of what he hired the
    employee for. Be it cough medicine, or cocaine. Not to mention
    putting both other employees and the company at risk of injury or
    large sums of money.

    Ive been hurt twice by ass holes who were either drunk or high, while
    on the job. One of them cost me 6 months of painful painful physical
    therapy. The other one gave me a life time of additional pain
    whenever the weather changes. And the first of two back surgeries.

    I left the oilfields because drugs and drunks were so prevalent, and
    because of the injuries received.

    When you come on your shift, and as you step up on the drilling floor,
    a roach falls out of the derrick, you know you have a problem and
    sooner or later someone is going to get hurt. That was the night I
    simply turned in my time, and went home, never to work in the patch
    again. 3 days later, someone died because the derrick hand was
    To nip it in the bud, (pun intended). Often its hard to tell when some
    is groked and if they are getting stoned or drunk on the job...shrug..

    I know people who go through life drunk or high. They do good work,
    show up on time and are good employees. They however are in the

    If Im hireing someone, its not only my right but my responsiblity to
    make sure that if I say no drugs or drunks..that term of their
    employment is followed.

    Dont like it? Dont come to work for me, or any other company with
    that policy.

    I believe that virtually all drugs should be legalized. Even the bad
    ones like crack. The money spent on the War on Some Drugs could be
    far better spent in prevention, education and treatment.

    However, its still my right to hire only those that I wish to
    hire..and I wont hire pot heads or drunks or other users of drugs that
    tend to **** you up.

    End program. Full stop. Alto. Halt.

    Come shed a tear for Michael Moore-
    Though he smirked and lied like a two-bit whore
    George Bush has just won another four.
    Poor, sad little Michael Moore

    Gunner, Nov 22, 2004
  14. MarshallE

    Robin S. Guest

    So, it's not an invasion of privacy?


    Robin S., Nov 22, 2004
  15. MarshallE

    Robin S. Guest

    Injuries were received due to chronic drug/alcahol abuse, or coming to work
    So it's ok to do it as long as you don't come to work under the influence of
    Wait wait wait.

    I thought drug testing was to test for use, as an absolute.

    Either the employee is using, or he is not. Where's the connection to
    dangerous work habits?

    Are all employees tested at the beginning of each, and throughout their,


    Robin S., Nov 22, 2004
  16. MarshallE

    Gunner Guest

    **** no. Now if I had a rule that I could come into your home and piss
    test you because you may be using at home, that would be.

    Until they come up with a "under the influence" test that can be used
    at work, piss testing is the only reliable method to make sure that
    the person you hire to perform a job, is not likely to be under the
    influence while performing that job.

    When that test hits the market, then Ill agree that there is no reason
    for piss testing.

    But then...Im sure folks will piss and moan about having to take one
    of those too, on the job.

    Frankly I dont give a damn if you burn the herb on your own time. Jost
    dont come to work impared. And as Ive the moment..there is
    no reliable way to tell if you are impared on the job, or not.

    Then there is the little matter of if you give a damn if your employee
    is engaged in illegal activity off or on the job. Drugs..or many of
    them are illegal to use.

    Shrug. If you had an employee who was a burglar or petty thief, or a
    car thief, on his own time, would you still employ him?


    Come shed a tear for Michael Moore-
    Though he smirked and lied like a two-bit whore
    George Bush has just won another four.
    Poor, sad little Michael Moore

    Gunner, Nov 22, 2004
  17. MarshallE

    Gunner Guest

    They were stoned and drunk on and off the job. Thats one of the big
    issues. Lots of folks simply continue their substance abuse on the
    job, or show up still drunk or high.
    Works for me. Now how do you prove that they are not under the
    influence? Or are going to get that way sometime during their shift?
    As far as Im concerned, substance abuse ALWAYS leads to dangerous work
    habits or a brain fart sooner or later.
    Nope, but Id not have a problem with such being done, if you can
    figure out a way to do so simply and economicly..

    Come shed a tear for Michael Moore-
    Though he smirked and lied like a two-bit whore
    George Bush has just won another four.
    Poor, sad little Michael Moore

    Gunner, Nov 22, 2004
  18. MarshallE

    Mike Z. Guest

    What an intelligent response, hopefully these posters who don't like
    drug tests and only care about the pay rate don't speak for the
    majority of people available, or we are all gonna be speaking Chinese.
    Mike Z., Nov 22, 2004
  19. MarshallE

    Cliff Guest

    Most probably have to be brighter than fundies & wingers.

    Know your employees & set them the proper jobs. There's
    usually something both safe & productive about anyone can
    do. Frisk the wingers though.
    Cliff, Nov 22, 2004
  20. MarshallE

    Cliff Guest

    As long as we get to bill by the week and you pay all expenses,
    first class.
    Cliff, Nov 22, 2004
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