Design table or equation, 4in pitch on diameter that changes

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by blackskyano, Jun 7, 2006.

  1. blackskyano

    blackskyano Guest

    I have a large ring that changes in size there will be holes along the
    circumference the pitch is 4.000 center to center around the complete
    diameter what might be the best way so this updates, number of

    design table or an equation. I

    The file can be downloaded here 2006
    it can be sent back here if that is possible

    thanks in advance
    blackskyano, Jun 7, 2006
  2. You need to determine if your requirement is to drive the diameter as a
    function of the 4" center, or if the 4" dim is allowed to float in a range.
    This will affect the structure of the part. Also, is the 4" a chordal dim,
    or an arc length?

    Wayne Tiffany, Jun 7, 2006
  3. blackskyano

    blackskyano Guest

    I still havent got this figured out. this is going to be a clearnance
    hole and the 4.00 dimension can be rounded up or down from the 4.0
    inches so the spacing will be equal

    what is the best way to do this?

    Thanks in advance
    blackskyano, Jun 14, 2006
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