Design Table only partially updates model (completely updates on second rebuild)

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by FrizbeeRulez, Mar 19, 2007.

  1. FrizbeeRulez

    FrizbeeRulez Guest

    Let me quickly describe my design table:
    (Perhaps it's the source of my problem)

    There's a lot of stuff in the top of the spreadsheet (above the design
    Parameters are keyed into the top/header section in a colorful table.
    It's a vertical list easy to understand kind of like this:

    How many sides? | 4 |
    How long is each? | 6 | inches
    What angle--etc... | | degrees
    ....(there's about 70 of these)...

    Then below is the standard horizontal design table line up. Parameter
    values across here reference the list above so the users never have to
    look down there. Many calculations, IF() statements, and functions
    are used throughout the sheet. Formatting is very colorful. Borders,
    bold, and italics are used pretty lavishly.

    Subtle changes to the parameters (smaller hole, deeper cut, etc) will
    cause the model to update perfectly, but when I make massively
    different changes (like almost all of the parameter values are
    changed) the model seems to miss some of the new parameters on

    Here's what happens after one of these massive design changes:
    I exit the design table, and the model will partially update with many
    errors. Then if I go back into the design table and then simply exit
    back to the model again, the model updates perfectly. It's almost
    like there are some predecessors in the model that must be created
    before the new parameters can be built. But check this! For some
    reason, neither a standard rebuild nor a hard rebiuld (CTRL+Q) updates
    the model correctly. The errors only go away after that second design
    table rebuild.

    Am I missing something? Is there a quick fix? I know a VB app would
    be the best thing but our CAD support is somewhat I've
    got this crazy spreadsheet thing.
    FrizbeeRulez, Mar 19, 2007
  2. Do you maybe have some dimension in the spreadsheet evaluating something in
    the model that is being changed by the spreadsheet, as in sort of a circular
    reference? This would fit what you are seeing in that the spreadsheet would
    set a dim to make a change in the model, but another part of the spreadsheet
    is evaluating something based on the current model dimension driving some
    watched feature, and doesn't get that new parameter until you go back in and

    Wayne Tiffany, Mar 19, 2007
  3. What version of Excel are you using?
    Simcoe Warrior, Mar 19, 2007
  4. FrizbeeRulez

    WT Guest

    Do you maybe have some dimension in the spreadsheet evaluating
    something in the model that is being changed by the spreadsheet, as in
    sort of a circular reference? This would fit what you are seeing in
    that the spreadsheet would set a dim to make a change in the model,
    but another part of the spreadsheet is evaluating something based on
    the current model dimension driving some watched feature, and doesn't
    get that new parameter until you go back in and out.

    WT, Mar 19, 2007
  5. FrizbeeRulez

    FrizbeeRulez Guest

    Yes! I fixed it! Complex as it was, I think that's exactly what was
    happening. I don't completely follow where the circular reference was
    occuring, but I changed a dimension and instead of dimensioning a
    segment length, I dimensioned an arc tangent to it. This kept the
    sketch fully constrained and apparently freed the circular reference.
    The clue that helped me locate the problem was finding where things
    stopped being updated at the end of the first rebuild. Everything up
    to that sketch was updated correctly. (Hope that helps if anyone has
    this problem in the future)

    Very complicated, but works much better now. Thanks WT.
    FrizbeeRulez, Mar 20, 2007
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