Design Table and Seperate Part Files

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Brian Lawson, Nov 24, 2003.

  1. Brian Lawson

    Brian Lawson Guest

    Having had enormous problems using configurations with SolidWorks +
    Smarteam, is it possible to create separate part files from a Design
    Example: I have a part that has 9 versions (configs) only 2 or 3
    dimensions change between the various versions. To control these parts
    I would like to have one drawing with a design table for all the part
    versions, but instead of creating a configured part file I want to
    create separate part files for each part that would still have a link
    to the design table. Modifying the drawing design table will update
    the corresponding part and vice versa.

    Is this possible?

    Thanks in advance.

    Brian Lawson, Nov 24, 2003
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