Design Methodology - References

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by thedge000, Jul 13, 2007.

  1. thedge000

    thedge000 Guest

    What is the best design methodology for a robust part and assembly in
    SW: using reference geometry (axis and datums) to create a feature or
    is referencing another feature (face) as good? SW Training I have
    had emphasizes feature to feature reference. My past experience in
    Pro/E, but not Wildfire, the company I worked for had CAD design
    methodology to use only reference geometry when creating part features
    or assembly mates. This takes extra time and makes the part more
    cluttered, but in Pro/E it is more robust. One of the reasons being
    recovering from geometry or assembly errors in Pro/E 2001 and prior
    versions is more difficult. Comments?
    thedge000, Jul 13, 2007
  2. thedge000

    brewertr Guest

    brewertr, Jul 13, 2007
  3. thedge000

    Dale Dunn Guest

    wrote in
    SW is the same as Pro in this regard, and I expect any other parametric
    modeler as well. Skeletal modeling is the way to go.
    Dale Dunn, Jul 13, 2007
  4. thedge000

    jon_banquer Guest

    the company I worked for had CAD design methodology to use only >reference geometry when creating part features or assembly mates. >This takes extra time and makes the part more cluttered...

    I really don't work with large assemblies but everything I've read
    says that Solidworks seems to fall apart when you use lots of top down

    The reason I use reference geometry is to make it easier to identify
    where I have added design intent for both myself (I often can't
    remember my design intent 2 weeks later) and someone else who may want
    to change my model.

    Good luck finding anything on how to use reference geometry in the
    link published above. It's also not properly covered properly in Matt
    Lombards SolidWorks Bible. It is properly covered in the
    SolidProfessor videos and I bet it's properly covered in the myigetit
    course but I have not subscribe to it as of yet... still have a few
    weeks to go finishing up the SolidProfessor videos.

    If your looking for more feedback (and why shouldn't you be!) I would
    post this question on the Engineering Tips SolidWorks Forum.

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, Jul 15, 2007
  5. thedge000

    Cliff Guest

    Fixed you mangled quotes, idiot.
    Or much of anything else.
    Hence all it''s users doing good work.
    Buzzword Psychois again.
    One hole or two?
    Buzzword Psychosis zone again.
    IOW "change" == "correct" or "fix"..
    Both probably expected you to have clue #1.
    Still a beginner, eh?
    No clues, eh?
    Run out of ads & free demos?
    And the second time ... ?
    Are you banned there too?
    Cliff, Jul 16, 2007
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