Design Kit AMI 0.35um , Netlisting Problems

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by arnold_erni, Jun 13, 2007.

  1. arnold_erni

    arnold_erni Guest


    I have problems with the AMI Design Kit 0.35um (EUROPRACTICE Vol.16).
    I can´t simulate the circuit because I got errors when cadence
    generate the netlist.
    The message I got is: Netlist Error: Could not find netlist procedure:
    abSpectreNetlistProc instance "M1" in cell-view "work" "test"
    "schematic" ...
    If I delete the device M1 (nmosi transistor) then I have no problems.
    The entries in the Model Library should be ok (nmos.scs ,
    pmos.scs ...). I use for this the settings from the file
    "adsArtistTechnoSpecificCdsEnv" (found in the spe4.4/FAB_AME
    The "TechInitFile.ilu" (opu4.4 directory) is loaded too.

    Can someone help me what the problem could be ?


    arnold_erni, Jun 13, 2007
  2. abSpectreNetlistProc is something I wrote a while back, and should be included
    in the PDK - so you will need to contact EuroPractice/AMIS about this.

    Assuming it hasn't been changed by AMIS, you should be able to put the following
    in a file:


    Author A.D.Beckett
    Group Custom IC (UK), Cadence Design Systems Ltd.
    Language SKILL
    Date Oct 05, 2001

    Define a netlisting procedure for spectre direct which
    looks for a property called spectreIgnore on the instance.
    If this has value "ignore", then it comments out the instance
    in the netlist.


    SCCS Info: @(#) 10/05/01.15:23:40 1.1


    defun( abSpectreNetlistProc (inst)
    let((formatter netlister ignore)
    ; Get hold of the formatter and netlister objects
    ; Check to see if this instance is ignored
    ; might want to put a comment in the netlist to say
    ; why it's being commented out...
    ignore=nlGetParamStringValue(inst "spectreIgnore")
    nlPrintString(netlister ";")
    ; Print the standard instance line
    nlPrintInst(formatter inst)

    and then put a call to load("/path/to/") in your .cdsinit
    file, and that should fix it. It's a means of allowing devices to be marked to
    be ignored for spectre only by adding a propery on an instance "spectreIgnore"
    with a value "ignore".


    Andrew Beckett, Jun 14, 2007
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