Design File Exit Macro

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by Greg Carlill, Jan 13, 2004.

  1. Greg Carlill

    Greg Carlill Guest

    Hi All,

    I looking for a way to run a macro when the user exits the design
    file. I saw a thread dating back to April 2001 but it had no definite
    conclusion. Did anyone come up with a MDL solution for MS J to do this
    they are willing to share?

    I'm wanting to do some simple things in the macro like
    fit ref 1;selview all

    so that the drawing is always left with the complete drawing frame

    Thanks in Advance
    Greg Carlill
    Greg Carlill, Jan 13, 2004
  2. Greg Carlill

    Dave Preston Guest

    There is an MDL that does exactly what you do, but I don't have the details
    here. I'll let you know when I get to work. It may be a select download -
    have you tried?
    Dave Preston, Jan 13, 2004
  3. If you are a SELECT subscriber, you can use DgnMacro from Bentley's
    Developerware site. It will provide the abilities to run an Exit Macro.
    Full instructions are included in the ReadMe file that accompanies DgnMacro.

    On a side note, you could also do an "enter macro" to set the file up as
    soon as you go into it.
    for further information on doing that, see the following:

    You may also find Bentley's discussion groups of assistance.These groups are
    an excellent technical
    resource for all users of Bentley products and services. Hope to see you
    there! For more information take a peek at this page:
    Inga Morozoff [Bentley], Jan 13, 2004
  4. Greg Carlill

    Dave Preston Guest

    That was it - Thanks Inga


    Dave Preston

    Dave Preston, Jan 13, 2004
  5. You're welcome Dave. :)
    Inga Morozoff [Bentley], Jan 13, 2004
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