Design approach help

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Martin, Feb 6, 2005.

  1. Martin

    Cliff Guest

    Pretty good at LSI, IC & PCB design is it?

    LMAO !!!
    Cliff, Feb 8, 2005
  2. Martin

    Cliff Guest

    Just use open solids, right?

    Is it dark inside? Did you let the smoke out?
    Cliff, Feb 8, 2005
  3. Martin

    Martin Guest

    This is the sort of SW thinking that I need to develop. Thanks for a good
    tip. Of course, it'll just take time to build familiarity and model
    creation skills/techniques. I'm just trying to get some real work done in
    the context of learning. This thread has been quite useful. Thank you,

    I say the following without being an expert user, of course. I could be
    I wish SW had better text and graphics functions. It seems that putting
    non-extruded text on surfaces is simply impossible or convoluted, at best.

    I now understand that, if you mentally detatch from the idea of zero
    thickness text you can simply create very thin extruded or extrude-cut text
    on just about any surface. Still, it feels like I should be able to very
    simply and quickly add "painted" text to parts. The same applies to

    I'll look into this as an excersice. Perhaps another VB program to take
    button names/coordinates and apply the right text and/or graphic to the top
    of the keycap at the assembly level. It would surely make for significantly
    lighter-weight button part files and the approach could be much more
    flexible and easier to use. Gotta think about this one.

    Sounds like another job for VB!
    More reading for me to do. I also thought that this is not unlike a single
    injection molded part (it IS an injection molded part, isn't it!). So, what
    approach do people take to complex IM parts? Do you design bits and pieces
    of the part and then glue it together in an assembly or do you do it all in
    one shot?
    I've alredy had assemblies self-destruct. I learned my lesson years and
    years ago. I never edit the same file more than a couple of times. Before
    I sit down for a new session, the current working directory gets a full
    backup. Disk storage is cheap these days.
    Well, it's more about a practical consideration, I have to get a design out
    within the next couple of months. That means mechanical, electronic and
    software design. Then, hopefully, a couple of months later, I'll have the
    time to go away for a week and learn what I've been doing wrong! :)

    Martin, Feb 8, 2005
  4. ?

    The problem with long posts... its easy to miss a critical line: My post
    started- Beyond the issue of SWx using data from other CAD packages (which
    you correctly point out is real-world, and all that is left to debate is how
    magnificently/piss-poorly/somewhere-in-between SWx handles it per each CAD
    vendor )...

    Martin, as I read it, is designing something new, and matt made a great
    point that he might not want to start in one package and transition to
    another when it could all be done faster in a single environment.
    To be fair to the origin of the thread, we should wait for someone to post
    about a legacy problem before opening that can of worms (and I won't be
    commenting on that thread if it should happen, because I am hired to make
    new stuff, not transtion legacy data... as a matter of courtesy I try to
    keep quiet when I have nothing constructive to add)
    No, you were not wrong (sorry Cliff), and I am grateful for that
    contribution that you made to the dialog here - frankly, I would not be
    capable of what I am currently able to do had you not challenged me to get
    outside of my comfort zone. That nudge, after an eye opening API
    presentation by Cholly from SWx that showed me how it all worked behind the
    scenes, really forced me to push my understanding of how mainstream CAD
    works and what I could do with it if I just changed my methodolgy and
    mindset. That is what I like about this NG over the eng-tips one - I like
    the theory discussions (learn how to fish -vs- "here's the fish")
    Good question, but my answer will not satisfy an idealist. I work in
    SolidWorks because that is the predominant modeler in my marketplace, and
    what I can get paid to work in.

    I bet you would agree that, ultimatley, I am a designer, not a CAD driver.
    I'm actually pretty darn good at the design part (that distant sound is my
    own horn tooting) - the getting-good-at-CAD part is incidental and, I hope,
    temporary based on the era that I live in. 20 years from now we will all
    have a good laugh about the primative CAD we were forced to use.
    I bet you would also agree that it is a shame that driving CAD is part of
    any of our jobs... our talents should be 100% focused on making products,
    without having any of our time spent learning new software or beating the
    limitations of legacy systems. I welcome your thoughts on either of those
    statements if I am missing something.

    Right now, SWx provides me a HUGE customer base... if people start asking
    for VX, I will definatley look at it, but I have never heard a single
    request for it. I have the responsibility of doing design work in my
    customers CAD package so they can continue to work on the products I design
    for them and make changes without having to hire me again or invest in a
    whole new infrastructure just to change the data they paid for. So, I am
    not the one to convince.. it is everyone else
    For now, I have to put VX in the same category as Rhino... it might be
    great if I worked in a vacuum, but I don't. I had the pleasure of meeting
    Bob McNeel (one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet) and even he was
    gracious enough to understand that I couldn't use his product based in my
    business. However, I have recommended Rhino to companies who are not
    restricted by my business's model, based on the force of the glowing reponse
    from other Rhino users (and the folks I suggested test Rhino have come back
    and said they LOVE it) - and if given a blank-page company looking for a
    recomendation, I will probably recommend at least a peek at VX based on your
    endorsement. But for me to try VX would be a waste of time... the best that
    could happen is I would love it and STILL couldn't use it, so the learning
    curve investment just doesn't make any sense for me.

    However, I am glad that you have found something fantastic for you that
    gives you a competitive advantage over the other guy, and look forward to
    you making so much money that the entire industry has to shift to your way
    of operating or crumble into dust (actually not meant to be a facetious
    statement... I am a Darwinist through-and-through, and hope that the best
    package squashes the inferior ones so we can all be designers again and
    forget about this other crap once and for all)

    Edward T Eaton, Feb 8, 2005
  5. Ed,

    Elequently and succinctly put. I think it's safe to say this applies to most
    of us.

    There's alot more to a business than what CAD system you use, but using the
    wrong one can be costly . With the pace of product development, and the
    inherent real time collaboration between client and contractor, you both
    have to be on the exact same page. The CAD system is what drives this
    process in the design and engineering world. It would be foolish to use
    something that didn't expose you to the largest market. No matter how much
    better it was at some things.


    Mark Mossberg, Feb 9, 2005
  6. Martin

    Martin Guest

    Very well put. One night, a couple of years ago, I was very frustrated with
    decidedly inferior electronics hardware design tools. Tools costing $10K
    that are not much more than refined manure. Anyhow, I typed and printed a
    short line that hung on the wall and try to refer to as often as possible
    for guidance: "We need better tools". That's the secret. Now, in that
    case, I spent two months writing code to make this bad tool usable. We
    couldn't just dump it.

    As an amateur musician I also refer to that world for analogies. I've been
    known to say that CAD tools must be designed from the stanpoint that design
    can be approached as a performing art. You are trying to express your
    vision and ideas --or your clients'-- and get this from mind to paper (or
    model) as fluidly as possible. If you have to spend a significant amount of
    time preoccupied with the mechanics of the program (memory issue, types of
    entities to use to avoid problems, shortcuts, tricks, etc.) rather than have
    your mind in the creative "zone" the tool has failed to deliver what we
    truly need. Most CAD tools I know do fail miserably at this.

    Tool authors need to understand that we don't go to Home Depot to buy a 1/2
    inch drill bit, we really want a 1/2 inch hole. :)

    But, things are getting better, aren't they?

    Martin, Feb 9, 2005
  7. Martin

    jon banquer Guest

    Why do you think I'm spending so much time with MasterCAM, Mark ?

    In the next few years I believe CNC Software will dominate like they never
    have before and this will open up a lot of oportunities for me. Lots of
    companies had a huge head start (DP Technology, etc) and blew it cause they
    never learned how to market. With the realease of MasterCAM X they
    are going to find themselves loseing market share... slowly and then

    Thankfully I waited until now but I have got a lot of learning to do on
    something I have tried to shy away from for a long time.... MasterCAM's
    post langauge.

    Timing is everything and I do see the handwriting on the wall.

    jon banquer, Feb 9, 2005
  8. Martin

    jon banquer Guest


    I believe trying VX would be the same kind of eye opening experience for you
    because it would show you how things should work and how transparent solid,
    surface and wireframe should be and is NOT in SolidWorks.

    I understand what your saying about having a market with a well established
    product like SolidWorks. I don't expect you to change from SolidWorks to
    VX. Honestly, I would rather have you stay with SolidWorks but be more
    vocal on the changes SolidWork needs. IMO, SolidWorks needs a shit
    load of them... and yes working with legacy data (something your not
    involved with, as per what you said above) is certainly one issue. Needless
    to say this is a huge issue for shops that I have contact with. I don't
    expect you to support something your not involved in. Perhaps I can find
    someone else who really wants this change in SolidWorks and wants to be
    vocal about it ? ;>)

    What I do think would help you tremedously is seeing and *feeling*
    how the tools work in what I consider to be a much better conceived and
    implimented product... don't get me wrong it's not perfect and some things
    in VX don't work / need work.

    What I'm really after is knowing that you know how things could be in
    SolidWorks... not getting you to switch to VX. I could say the same about
    Global Shape Modeling and thinkID.

    I don't really have much respect for Bob McNeel but I do accept that
    you like him. I think Rhino development is very slow and that Bob
    McNeel has made numerous errors in how Rhino has been developed.
    If Bob McNeel had his act together, Rhino would be much more
    dominant right now and having much more of an effect on
    companies like SolidWorks.

    Instead, we had the AG Lib debacle, and developers like Gary Crocker
    (IntegrityWare) building add-ins where IMO, Gary and his partner
    should have been brought on board to develop Rhino solid modeling
    tools a long time ago. Rhino 4 is still a year away ! Sad. What I do like
    is that Rhino has put one hell of a scare into Alias and Alias has reacted
    by lowering prices and getting more quality tutorials and books out. They
    even have a learning addition now. All this is because of Bob McNeel !
    I'm thinking about trying Alias Studio Tools Learning Addition. I'm one
    hundred percent convinced that I would never have this opportunity
    and neither would anyone else if it were not for Bob McNeel /
    Rhino so I'm more than willing to give someone I don't think very
    highly of full credit in this regard. In any case, I have about as much
    interest in discussing Bob McNeel / Rhino with you as you do in
    discussing how to handle legacy wireframe data with me. :>)

    I will say this, Ed.... there is a long way to go even in the products
    I like before they are truly complete tools. This applies to VX, thinkID
    and to Concepts.

    It would be fun to have a discussion with you, me and Joe
    Dunne in the same room. Joe Dunne has the background
    (ComputerVision) to know how CAD should be. Joe has
    seen and marketed stuff that CV had that was just fucking
    awesome. Ask him to tell you about it sometime. Might
    be a nice break for him rather than the ho-hum stuff
    (SolidWorks) he now deals in. ;>)

    Take care and let me know if VX does what I know it will.... open
    your mind to how things should be / can be in SolidWorks. :>)

    jon banquer, Feb 9, 2005
  9. Martin

    Cliff Guest

    Because it's a cracked copy & does not work properly?
    Because you cannot read the docs?
    Because you are full of BS in the first place?
    Because you don't know what it does, having no actual
    use for it?
    Because you got caught yet again posing as a self-proclaimed
    "expert" on a BBS with your pants down & someone else has
    a maglite?
    Because you need someone else's posts to copy again?

    Cliff, Feb 9, 2005
  10. Martin

    Cliff Guest

    And NOW you are going to try to learn something
    (after years & years of posing & spouting BS)?

    Don't give up your new day job .... lots of trucks ....
    Cliff, Feb 9, 2005
  11. Martin

    Cliff Guest

    Would these be the ones you were touting ?

    No wonder you cannot actually use it or put up <GGGG>.

    Tried reading the docs yet? Words too big?
    Cliff, Feb 9, 2005
  12. Martin

    Cliff Guest

    Cliff, Feb 9, 2005
  13. Martin

    Cliff Guest

    Cliff, Feb 9, 2005
  14. I like that line A LOT, and believe I will be using it in the future
    Edward T Eaton, Feb 9, 2005
  15. Martin

    Martin Guest

    'got that from an aerospace engineer buddy of mine. Straight and to the

    Feel free to spread the word.

    Martin, Feb 10, 2005
  16. Martin

    Cliff Guest

    They don't use metric?

    It's no wonder that US exports are so poor ..... nobody else
    in the world wants inch parts .....
    Cliff, Feb 10, 2005
  17. Martin

    daniel Guest

    Hi Martin,

    I skipped alot of the messages in this thread, but assuming that I am
    not missing something I would suggest the following with graphics:

    DO NOT put graphics on your part models UNLESS it is going to be a
    molded feature! I have done similar things, and it will only leed to
    sweat and tears, and not help you meet your deadline.

    If the graphics are going to be printed on the parts, then the best and
    most useful way is to use the part file to create a 2D line layout for
    use in a graphics program, where you can layout the graphics
    accurately. Ideally this is in Illustrator, and your output is an EPS
    or PDF file for the printer. In manufacturing it is useful to have a
    drawing with the buttons and graphics together for control, but the
    printer has no use for a 3D cad model with graphics on it. Also, as you
    mentioned somewhere, you will only make your parts more complex adding
    3D graphics features.

    If you MUST have graphics as 3D features, and your buttons have fairly
    simple top surfaces (flat, slightly domed etc.), I would suggest
    creating the sketch with the graphic on a plane that projects normal to
    the face you want the graphic. I think it is different in SW2005, but
    you may only be able to do one character at a time - but you can cut
    the surface with this sketch.
    if you need a 3D version where the character is embossed, you can
    offset the surface, and then extrude the character using the surface
    and offset surface of the button as the starting and ending surface for
    the extrude feature. I would then do a parting line draft around each
    character. If you try and extrud the text with draft, and the surface
    is not a plane, your characters will become more deformed than is

    If you want to only show the graphics for visualization / 3D rendering,
    then the way to do it is to apply the graphics in photoworks and
    render. That is another can of worms.... Again, if you are looking for
    speed, I often simply take a screenshot of the top view (or whatever
    view) and use that image in photoshop / illustrator or other graphic
    package where I can add the artwork. fast and relatively painless.

    I think that will get you into enough trouble for now I think.... :)

    Good luck!
    daniel, Feb 10, 2005
  18. Martin

    daniel Guest


    Another thing I would strongly suggest, as you seem to be going through
    a steep learning curve with SW, is to learn from existing parts /

    I found that one of the fastest ways to understand construction
    strategies and techniques is to look at existing part file histories.
    The beauty of parametric history is you can actually follow the step by
    step process someone used to make a part simply by rolling back the

    I am sure you can get someone here who has an exhisting keypad part, to
    send you the file so that you can see their process and logic. You
    would learn very quickly that way. I have learned many very useful
    techniques this way. If they were not mentioned before in the thread,
    there are some very proficient users with parts you can download. Just
    a few from my list:

    You will also start to quickly see good / efficient technique verses,
    shall we say, less than ideal solutions....

    Again, good luck!
    daniel, Feb 10, 2005
  19. Martin

    Martin Guest

    Tool authors need to understand that we don't go to Home Depot to buy a

    If you want to get philosophical and a little off-topic (or...maybe not) I
    am of the opinion that software is partly at fault for some of the
    outsourcing issues some industries have seen. What do I mean?

    The gadgets being designed today are orders of magnitude more complex than
    just a few years ago. At every step of the way there has to be heavy
    reliance on software-based design and management tools as necessary and
    indispensable tools with which to do the work. As these tools fail to
    deliver performance and reliability --or fail the address that I want a 10mm
    hole, not a drill bit-- the cost of getting to market grows, perhaps
    exponentially at large organizations. So, what do you do? You take your
    crummy software infrastructure and move it somewhere where you can afford
    engineers burning hours upon hours dealing with tool issues rather than
    getting work done. In other words, crappy software may very well have been
    behind some of you loosing your jobs to other markets.

    It's a gross oversimplification and a myopic look at the problem, so,
    please, don't jump down my throat, I know that the whole affair is much more
    complex and subtle than this. But, this is a plausible explanation I can
    humbly offer from first hand experience with tools that should allow you to
    do the work in hours but require days due to their inadequacies. I couldn't
    imagine teams of dozens of engineers at high wages being allowed to function
    in this manner.

    Martin, Feb 10, 2005
  20. Martin

    Martin Guest

    How timely this is. I spent last night having a gargantuan battle with SW.
    It involved many C4-ladden explosions of assemblies, hanging, strange
    behavior, closing part/assembly files by itself and SW generally being a
    real bitch to deal with.

    As a new user, I can't say that I am impressed, you end up mentally so far
    away from what you originally got into the swamp to for...

    Anyhow, I have now given up on the idea of having these nice intelligently
    defined buttons that have a configuration-per legend, etc. To me this would
    have been the most elegant approach to the problem. Very much
    self-documenting. Easy to maintain. However, I've come to the realization
    that SW gives you the tools but does not guarantee that the head is attached
    to the handle solidly enough. So, you choose to use the tools at your own
    risk and, at any given point in time, a sharp blade might just fly off the
    handle. Unfortunate.

    I want the text in the model/assembly because...well, it's a damn CAD system
    and I want all my documentation to travel with these files. I can do this
    with ACAD in 2D or 3D. No problems there. It's just text.

    In the end I might discover that the only sensible approach might very well
    be to do as you suggest and either document the key-top (yes, they are flat)
    text in ACAD, Photoshop or Illustrator. I'll ask my vendor what they might
    prefer. This might save me from a lot of pain and aggravation. BTW, the
    legends will be laser-etched, and so, the idea of extrude-cutting the
    key-tops with text was very appealing because it would make it look like the
    final product.

    Martin, Feb 10, 2005
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